Party funding and incest

2017-12-14T14:44:11+01:00Thu, 14th Dec '17, 14:44|

The political parties are celebrating record collections in their Christmas charity telethons. Because in this amateur democracy of mediocrity and shadiness, our political parties are funded through ‘donations’ paid at TV events: embarrassing orgies of grotesque mutual congratulations. I have no idea how anyone might manage to sit through these things to watch them as [...]

Withdrawing justices

2017-12-14T15:07:07+01:00Thu, 14th Dec '17, 14:08|

14:06 Updated with a correction. The three men accused of homicide in the case of the assassination to kill Daphne Caruana Galizia instructed their legal aid to ask the Magistrate presiding over the compilation of the evidence against them to recuse herself. She agreed. Twenty years ago Magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech was in the same [...]

Medals galore!

2017-12-14T10:48:52+01:00Thu, 14th Dec '17, 09:36|

It was medal giving day again in Valletta and the campaign of diluting the value of recognition by ridiculing the process continued. It has reached a point where few people care anymore. Giving Joe Debono Grech a medal for his service to the republic is so mind boggling that it elicits little more than a [...]

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