The photo proves it

2020-08-03T09:46:16+02:00Mon, 3rd Aug '20, 09:46|

Jason Azzopardi was wondering why he was being taunted by the likes of Simon Mercieca with a tu quoque about his supposed relations with Yorgen Fenech. He didn’t know the guy. Never met him. And has been busy these past three years risking life and limb to get him to serve the longest prison term [...]

GUEST POST: An open letter to Adrian Delia

2020-08-03T08:48:59+02:00Mon, 3rd Aug '20, 08:48|

Dear Adrian, Let me say it at the beginning. As a man and a lawyer, I respect you. You know the reasons so I will not elaborate. But unfortunately you do not have what it takes to be a political party leader. To be leader of a party you need to have a vision. You [...]

The only field that matters

2020-08-03T08:25:49+02:00Mon, 3rd Aug '20, 08:25|

There are no certain outcomes in elections. Adrian Delia lost the confidence of the majority of his parliamentary group, of the executive committee of his party and, after Saturday’s ballot on whether to call a fresh election for his post, a majority of the party’s general council, its highest organ. But in all three bodies [...]

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