Broad churches

2021-01-21T11:04:16+01:00Thu, 21st Jan '21, 11:04|

As has been established, our two-party system is vulnerable to corruption. It has been established for longer that it is exposed to the whims of loud lobbies. Each party needs to secure the support of at least half the voting population. That’s a lot of differing views. It gets ugly. Consider Robert Abela’s appalling conduct [...]

Impunity rules, ok?

2021-01-21T09:29:24+01:00Thu, 21st Jan '21, 09:29|

Lovin Malta is reporting that Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi are no longer under police bail. The police will not confirm it because they say the law prevents them from discussing individuals who have not yet been charged. Other countries have a register of people who are under investigation. The register is public and once [...]

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