This is your MEP Alex Agius Saliba who, to be kind, I imagine walked into the wrong committee at the European Parliament building and read from the wrong script. The man cannot trust himself to speak English without reading it because he’s plain hilarious when he’s stuck in a situation where he’s forced to try. I Tarzan, you Jane sort of think.

But if you walk into the Aida and sing a song from La Boheme, however well you do it, you’re just as silly.

I guess, sit back, relax and don’t hit your face with your palm too hard.

This guy has the audacity to say that others bring Malta’s reputation to shame on the world stage. You can see it in this meeting’s chairperson’s eyes. If this is one of the 6 people Malta decides to send to represent it in the European Parliament, what’s the rest of the population like?

Welcome to the desert of the mind.