About Manuel Delia

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So far Manuel Delia has created 7980 blog entries.

When Lawrence Cutajar thought of resigning. And when he changed his mind.

2018-12-18T18:19:43+01:00Tue, 18th Dec '18, 18:19|

How does one say this nicely? Let’s just say Lawrence Cutajar would not be the likely choice in a casting for a cop-show looking for a chief of police that inspires sobriety, confidence, balance and hard-nosed, indefatigable determination to fight and defeat crime. If Lawrence Cutajar played NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, binge watching [...]

“One man rule”

2018-12-18T17:27:56+01:00Tue, 18th Dec '18, 17:27|

This assessment of the implications of the Venice Commission report published today on the euObserver is probably as good as any you’ll read. It presents the problem of hesitation for those at the EU who could do something about this because Joseph Muscat argues that the weaknesses in Malta’s constitutional makeup are a problem handed [...]

Appeals court confirms decision: Labour’s Aaron Farrugia lied about Daphne Caruana Galizia, Peter Caruana Galizia and Andrew Borg Cardona

2018-12-18T15:05:04+01:00Tue, 18th Dec '18, 12:40|

The Appellate Court presided by Judge Anthony Ellul turned down an appeal by Labour apparatchik Aaron Farrugia who had been condemned by a lower court to pay Peter Caruana Galizia, Andrew Borg Cardona and the heirs of Daphne Caruana Galizia damages for libel. Aaron Farrugia posted on his Facebook and Twitter accounts a lie published [...]

Truth and Justice: Alessandra Dee Crespo

2018-12-18T07:34:21+01:00Tue, 18th Dec '18, 07:34|

https://youtu.be/aEHxe5A8U_0 For the past week this monument behind me has been the theatre where ultra-partisan pro-government supporters felt entitled and emboldened to harass and assault people daring to place flowers and candles for truth and justice.  Contrary to the relentless propaganda pushed the government of Joseph Muscat and his fanatical supporters, this particular monument was [...]

Truth and Justice: Mark Anthony Borg

2018-12-18T07:32:43+01:00Tue, 18th Dec '18, 07:32|

https://youtu.be/-zkHIZXayeQ I am an 18-year-old student at University. On most days, I consider my generation to be fortunate enough to be able to get a free higher education of our choice. Yet, I never thought I’d be standing here having to defend our most basic fundamental human rights - starting with our right to freedom [...]

Truth and Justice: Rachel Williams

2018-12-18T07:30:27+01:00Tue, 18th Dec '18, 07:30|

https://youtu.be/6_ZjgMdMNww Rosa Parks, b’att sempliċi, waħedha, b’dinjita’ u bit-tlett kelmiet ‘No, I’m not’, irrifjutat li tagħti postha lil persuna ta’ karneġġjon bajda fuq tal-linja. Kollha nafu x’ġara wara. Revoluzzjoni sħiħa, mibdija minn mara li kienet xebgħet tiġi meqjusa bħala ċittadina second class, bla moħħ, bi drittijiet inqas minn ħaddiehor. Hi stqarret li  ‘No, the only [...]

Truth and Justice: Julian Delia

2018-12-18T07:22:09+01:00Tue, 18th Dec '18, 07:19|

https://youtu.be/hemM-4GlvmA The web, made of honey, With a goal and purpose that will leave you gasping. We advertise the country like it’s heaven on earth, We speculate without measure, the land of waste and excess. They come, they come looking for a better life, Thinking they’ll find wealth, maybe taste caviar; Little do they know [...]

Venice Commission: Malta must investigate if government could have prevented Daphne’s killing

2018-12-17T21:17:07+01:00Mon, 17th Dec '18, 21:17|

The Venice Commission in its Malta report, says Malta is obliged to establish whether the government knew of the risks to Daphne Caruana Galizia’s life and did all it could to avoid those risks. In its report the Venice Commission said Malta has obligations to establish “that the authorities knew or ought to have known [...]

Italian anti-mafia news-site labels assault on rights activist “an attack on democracy”

2018-12-17T18:03:08+01:00Mon, 17th Dec '18, 18:03|

Antimafia Duemila, set up by the Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino memorial foundation, reported today last week's assault by government supporters on #occupyjustice activists laying flowers and candles in Valletta. The assault, during which my wife Clemence Dujardin, was physically assaulted by two persons in Great Siege square, was one of a series of incidents [...]

The Venice Commission report on Malta

2018-12-17T16:55:03+01:00Mon, 17th Dec '18, 16:55|

Here's a link to the full Venice Commission report in full. What no one seems to be acknowledging is that this report is another legacy of Daphne Caruana Galizia. It came about because the Council of Europe wanted to understand why a journalist was killed in Malta and appointed Pieter Omtzigt of the Netherlands as [...]

Chris Cardona went to Liverpool

2018-12-17T10:26:05+01:00Mon, 17th Dec '18, 10:19|

This is not a Chris Cardona went to Velbert story. Though of course, god knows where he’s been.  He went to watch a football match. He went with his government colleague Chris Agius known to his friends as il-Wefi and some other mates. The mates include Silvan and Matthew Fenech, cousins of Yorgen Fenech of [...]

Our idea of justice

2018-12-17T09:38:53+01:00Mon, 17th Dec '18, 09:38|

The Venice Commission report remarks about our proliferation of tribunals presided by quasi-judges that have the power to decide but are casual about the obligations of impartiality incumbent on judges. Here's one. Harold Walls presides over an Industrial Tribunal. And he stretches his mental faculties on Facebook. This wasn't some academic exercise. It is a [...]

One of the candles

2018-12-17T09:04:25+01:00Mon, 17th Dec '18, 09:04|

Look at the candle in the foreground of this picture. It is one of the few that you can see that is not a classic votive red candles like most of the others flickering around it. It is a bit out of focus but you can figure out a picture of Martin Luther on the [...]

#occupyjustice: Who owns Macbridge, Prime Minister?

2018-12-16T21:47:46+01:00Sun, 16th Dec '18, 21:47|

#occupyjustice statement: Nineteen women clad in black stood on the steps of Castille, the office of Malta’s Prime Minister, holding cards reading “Who Owns Macbridge?” to mark 14 months since the assassination of the journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. The action, carried out by #occupyjustice activists, was in clear reference to the mystery client company which [...]

This is no democracy

2018-12-16T09:45:19+01:00Sun, 16th Dec '18, 09:45|

I looked up this piece I remembered writing, one of quite a few in the hours after Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed last year. I did that because the heading — her words, not mine — is always stuck in my mind when I look at the reality around me. Tomorrow the Venice Commission will [...]

Why the shit holes speak

2018-12-16T09:57:44+01:00Sun, 16th Dec '18, 08:34|

The people the government calls biased asshole — or shit holes, depending on the mood — cannot objectively understand why the government refuses to open an independent inquiry into the killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia. Labour trolls repeat the mantra that three people are awaiting trial in connection to her murder. That’s more than Karin [...]

#Reżistenza: Corruption Kills

2018-12-15T08:24:39+01:00Sat, 15th Dec '18, 08:19|

Statement by #Reżistenza:   Malta is infested with corruption All Maltese agree that corruption affects each and every aspect of the social and administrative life of our country, but few condemn it and strive to stop this abuse. On the contrary, many hold that corruption is a catalyst for economic well-being and prosperity for all. [...]

Poor Konrad. His rights are breached.

2018-12-14T18:10:00+01:00Fri, 14th Dec '18, 18:10|

Konrad Mizzi thinks his human rights are breached. Now we’ll get the usual non sequitur that he too is a citizen and has as much right to resort to the courts as anyone else. That was his line and the line of his Panama gang colleagues when they appealed a lower court decision to start [...]

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