The responsibility of authority

2021-01-05T11:05:20+01:00Tue, 5th Jan '21, 11:05|

It should not surprise us that healthy scepticism of authority is now turning into a definitively unhealthy loss of discernment about what sources can and should be trusted. Consider the lonely senior citizens of San Ġwann. They’ve been told for almost a year to stay alone at home until the Mayor, no less, told them [...]

GUEST POST: More on the Dizz Group: A review of D’Arena Mall Limited

2021-01-05T09:26:58+01:00Tue, 5th Jan '21, 09:26|

This article, a follow-up to my recent article on Dizz Manufacturing Limited, will seem rather technical for most readers. That doesn’t make it any less important or in the public interest especially considering the increased involvement of politically exposed persons in the commercial world. The Dizz Group is ultimately owned by two politically exposed persons. [...]

What a piece of work this Adrian Delia is

2021-01-05T09:16:00+01:00Tue, 5th Jan '21, 09:16|

I had hoped never to have to think of that rotten piece of damp and crumbling wood when he was finally kicked out of the leadership of the PN. But Adrian Delia is an admonishment of fate. He’s not going away. Judging by the writing of that Trump-nostalgist, Yorgen Fenech-apologist, anti-vaxxer-promoting Simon Mercieca, Adrian Delia [...]

The return of l-aqwa żmien

2021-01-04T13:33:13+01:00Mon, 4th Jan '21, 13:33|

As the general election looms nearer, hyperbole inflates. Robert Abela yesterday said 2021 would be “one of the best years in Malta’s history”. Best at what? What’s this forecast based on? Is it an economic projection? What is that premised on? Right now, the government should be working flat out to give this country a [...]

GUEST POST: Hands off institutions

2021-01-04T09:27:25+01:00Mon, 4th Jan '21, 09:27|

While I have no right to interfere, I will insist that all institutions do their work in good time. - Robert Abela, 16 February 2020 In February, addressing an extraordinary general conference to mark the first 100 years of the Labour Party, Robert Abela told his faithful that he had set up a good governance [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: From one year to the next

2021-01-03T07:51:06+01:00Sun, 3rd Jan '21, 07:51|

Robert Abela's zeal for tax compliance, prejudice ahead of Yorgen Fenech's trial, Repubblika's case at the European Court of Justice, the absence of a national policy against racism, Joseph Muscat and other fugitives from the law, and an incompetent bunch of ministers are all subjects of my piece in The Sunday Times today. Read it [...]


2021-01-02T10:47:40+01:00Sat, 2nd Jan '21, 10:47|

As choked up and teary-eyed Adrian Delia put it yesterday, there are hardly more deserving causes than the Dar tal-Providenza. “The tougher the challenge,” he said, “the more God will provide”. So by his account, it must have been divine intervention that convinced a Tunisian company that has barely landed on the island to hire [...]

GUEST VERSES: I wandered vaguely as a cloud

2021-01-02T10:43:33+01:00Sat, 2nd Jan '21, 10:43|

With apologies to William Wordsworth I wandered vaguely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of horrid carbuncles; Beside the sea, beneath no trees, Eyesores staring me in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky [...]

Citizen under siege

2020-12-31T07:23:56+01:00Thu, 31st Dec '20, 10:00|

The government is falling over itself to raise a memorial to Oliver Friggieri. There's something deeply perverse in that. Oliver Friggieri was not a vociferous critic of the Joseph Muscat/Robert Abela regime. Likely, that is because he had largely withdrawn from public life in his later years. But someone recently handed me this image from [...]

This was 2020

2020-12-30T11:46:07+01:00Wed, 30th Dec '20, 10:29|

Thank you for following Truth Be Told during 2020, now approaching the fourth year of its existence. This website has this year welcomed over 470,000 first-time visitors. The total visits to this website during this year grew by almost 13% over last year in spite of the fact that 2019 was a bumper year because [...]

Prime Minister, quite simply, the procedure is the issue

2020-12-30T10:45:13+01:00Tue, 29th Dec '20, 10:18|

Robert Abela admitted yesterday he had spoken to the commissioner for revenue about Bernard Grech’s personal tax record while Bernard Grech was contesting the leadership of the party in opposition. In seeking to justify himself he said it did not matter whether the procedure used was correct or not – that’s a WhatsApp conversation between [...]


2020-12-29T09:30:07+01:00Tue, 29th Dec '20, 09:30|

The fact that Simon Mercieca has now become a permanent feature of our public discourse is no cause for celebration. The intellectual calibre of political dialogue in this country wasn’t too great, to begin with. When this guy walked in, we all became a little more stupid as a result. And thanks to the protection [...]

GUEST POST: Twenty-twenty

2020-12-29T08:26:50+01:00Tue, 29th Dec '20, 08:26|

The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts [...]

GUEST POST: 21 things I sorely want for 2021

2020-12-29T08:05:10+01:00Tue, 29th Dec '20, 08:05|

Vaccine. This is an obvious one. The less obvious part is that it needs to be effective and for this to happen it has to be taken by the vast majority of people. Fewer cars. Fewer roads. Less tarmac and, by the power of whatever deity there is, fewer flyovers. Add to this a good [...]

Background reading

2020-12-29T09:59:35+01:00Sun, 27th Dec '20, 10:11|

While you read in today's Sunday Times about the arrest of the chief tax-man over a 2014 conversation with Yorgen Fenech about a VAT return, and the mystery of why the police are not asking the inquiring magistrate to order the investigation of his mobile phone, waiting instead for the elusive permission from the prime [...]

Over-promoted imbecility

2020-12-22T22:44:04+01:00Tue, 22nd Dec '20, 15:41|

This is Clint Camilleri, a government minister, seen here on national television well within the recommended two metres of space around people he does not live with. The woman in the picture is a resident of a Gozo residential area and like dozens of others in her neighbourhood, she put a solar panel on her [...]

Another WTF moment brought to you by your dear government

2020-12-22T15:18:00+01:00Tue, 22nd Dec '20, 15:18|

I mean really, what the fuck is this? This piece of misguided cinematic-trailer-style propaganda porn is so bombastic it totters uncomfortably on the line between the grotesquely superficial and the plain ridiculous. It announces, like the glorious spurts out of Moby Dick's blowhole, that the covid-19 vaccine is coming to Malta. The advert speaks of [...]

Since brevity is the soul of wit

2020-12-29T09:32:18+01:00Tue, 22nd Dec '20, 14:46|

The Times ran an editorial this morning headlined "the yardstick in public life". The leader was commenting on Robert Abela's new habit of shelving decisions when his ministers get into trouble. Robert Abela said he preferred to wait for an appeal from a decision on a libel case to which Ian Borg is not a [...]

Helping out the helpers

2020-12-29T09:33:03+01:00Tue, 22nd Dec '20, 14:17|

Can the prime minister muster enough self-respect to avoid lending the name of his constitutional office to the PR campaigns of his former clients? It just looks so bloody crass. Here's Robert Abela on a tour of the Alberta Group facilities, restraining himself from stabbing his own throat to kill the boredom. Alberta speak as [...]

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