
2017-11-24T19:24:48+01:00Fri, 24th Nov '17, 19:24|

The Nationalist opposition continues to bleed from wounds of its own making. Adrian Delia’s arguments in Parliament, defending a motion his party proposed to re-introduce dscimination in working conditions for people resorting to IVF treatments not permitted in Malta, were shallow and unconvincing. He argued the motion was making a “legal” point, not a “moral” [...]

Keeping it in the house

2017-11-24T20:08:26+01:00Fri, 24th Nov '17, 18:40|

The Government Gazette is not designed to make fascinating reading. That's no reason to miss it. Here's a seemingly innocuous notice in the gazette today that William Lewis was given a direct order for 12,000 euro. It's not going to be enough for him to retire on. But why was he given the purely technical [...]

The march on University

2017-11-24T16:17:24+01:00Fri, 24th Nov '17, 16:15|

The government is sending chilling signals to the academic community in Malta. It is not to be taken as a given that government actually intends to go ahead with its proposal of reducing the rector of the university to a clerk by invitation of a committee directly set up by government. There is a pattern [...]

Why the mafia prospers here

2017-11-24T15:24:44+01:00Fri, 24th Nov '17, 15:24|

Revel Barker's piece yesterday on The Times spoke of the reaction in Gozo to Totò Riina's death in prison. It delved deeper in the psyche of a community that hosted him and welcomed him for the money he spent even as he was the capi di tutti i capi of one of the most violent [...]

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