G Farrugia Calleja: Push back. It feels good.

2017-11-21T23:44:07+01:00Tue, 21st Nov '17, 22:52|

By resident guest George Farrugia Calleja: The sight of PN Leader Adrian Delia ringing the bell of the Marsa Police Station a couple of weeks ago, with something of a bemused look on his face, was mildly amusing. It also gave rise to some predictable memes, one of which had him ringing the door-bell of [...]

Can Brian Tonna tell us if Egrant Inc has been struck off?

2017-11-22T13:47:11+01:00Tue, 21st Nov '17, 18:00|

On 19th January, 2017, the directors of Egrant Inc signed off on the dissolution of the company. Naturally the directors are a bunch of Panamian fronts for anonymous owners. They are listed as directors of some 10,000 other companies between them. According to Panamanian company law a company declared dissolved by its directors can continue [...]

Disgraced police chief: Arraignment of man who threatened to burn Metsola “a sad day for Malta”

2017-11-21T16:32:13+01:00Tue, 21st Nov '17, 16:32|

So Inspector Elton Taliana arraigns Emmanuel Navarro to accuse him of having threatened Roberta Metsola with burning alive. Emmanuel Navarro, whose relatives are now sending me messages every which way to get me to speak nicely of him, was assisted by, of all people, Peter Paul Zammit. According to The Times Peter Paul Zammit told [...]


2017-11-21T14:59:41+01:00Tue, 21st Nov '17, 14:59|

Invicta is the first book about Daphne Caruana Galizia to be published since her assassination. The publishers say the book brings together a group of friends, journalists and academics to explore the different aspects of Daphne as a human being and as a journalist. Daphne, though she had a very prominent voice, was paradoxically a [...]

Man who threatened MEP with burning alive, had threatened a family member with beheading and disembowelment

2017-11-21T11:07:34+01:00Tue, 21st Nov '17, 11:07|

Emmanuel Navarro has been taken into custody while police ‘investigate’ his very public threat to burn Roberta Metsola alive. The man is known to the police. He was, at the time of his arrest, on probation over a domestic violence case. His former son in law forgave him in court for threatening him of beheading [...]

Has every stone been turned?

2017-11-21T09:42:08+01:00Tue, 21st Nov '17, 09:42|

Beyond the prime minister’s bog-standard rhetoric, can anyone perceive any significant effort by the police to bring the killers of Daphne Caruana to justice? We were promised a thorough investigation and all we’ve seen so far is a crime scene left untouched for at least 30 hours while one Magistrate toyed with the emotions of [...]

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