Candidates often find flattering the furious attention from the opposite side of politics. At least they say they’re flattered. Cyrus Engerer might say that I think even the hardest core, mindless zombie Labourite should not vote for him because I somehow think he’s some form of political inconvenience. When of course the reason I think no one should vote for him has got nothing to do with that at all.

It’s more because it is embarrassing enough for our nation to be represented by that rabid post-colonial afterthought who still thinks that ‘il-partnership rebaħ’ Alfred Sant, to now also have to face the prospect of having as our MEP a convicted revenge pornographer. Pleasure yet to come, I suppose. Excuse the pun. Or maybe don’t.

Joseph Muscat yesterday singled out David Casa as the PN MEP candidate he doesn’t want elected.

Joseph Muscat

Waqt diskors illejla, Joseph Muscat qal li ma jridnix elett nhar is-Sibt li ġej. Ma qalx għaliex ma jridnix elett, pero ħa ngħidilkom jien għaliex.* Għax lili ma jagħlaqlix ħalqi.* Għax jien nikxiflu s-serq mill-poplu* Għax jien lest niddefendi lil kull wieħed u waħda minnkom.Ma setax poġġiha aħjar. L-għażla ta' nhar is-Sibt hi jekk tridunix inkompli nkun it-tarka tagħkom fil-Parlament Ewropew. Jien inħalli f'idejkom.

Geplaatst door David Casa op Woensdag 22 mei 2019

He left Roberta Metsola to that dirty old man, Martin Scicluna a few days before.

Even in the supreme confidence of a crushing majority, Joseph Muscat wants to decide which MEPs are elected to oppose him. If only life for Joseph Muscat was always as breezy as that so called debate he had yesterday. If only he gets to choose all those whose job it is to oppose him, he’d be able to sleep in most mornings.

They did their own campaigning and gave their reasons why people should vote for them.

But perhaps as good a reason as any is that Joseph Muscat wishes us not to.