THE SUNDAY TIMES LEADER: Will high courts come of age?

2019-05-05T20:36:42+02:00Sun, 5th May '19, 20:36|

If you haven't yet found time to read this today, please do so now. Tomorrow our case in front of the Court continues. Just shy of 20 months ago then Chief Justice Silvio Camilleri said in his remarks that we should not expect miracles from Judges and Magistrates. After all, they can only deal with [...]

GUEST SERIES: Malta politics, past, present and future (1)

2019-05-07T08:21:37+02:00Sun, 5th May '19, 20:28|

This is a 13-part series written by a team of writers known to me. The series will continue tomorrow. Part 1: The Psychology of the Labour Movement Alan Parsons Project's cryptic lyrics of the ‘Eye in the Sky’ song describe the condescending conversation between the corrupt secular high priest of a state and one of [...]

GUEST POST: The argument for multiple parties in Malta

2019-05-05T20:11:12+02:00Sun, 5th May '19, 20:11|

Sent in by someone known to me. First-time contributor to this site. I do recommend you visit the sites marked as 'further reading' in the text. For as long as I can remember since independence Malta has never had a third party in parliament arguably until Partit Demokratiku came along. I am personally a supporter [...]

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