GUEST VERSES (Maltese): Fearne calls the boos
Prim, tagħmilx bħal t'a qablek għax tinkwetani. Din tal-Covid, qisha kobb'oħra tal-Ażerbajġani. Dir-ras iebsa għalfejn? Jew ma tafx tgħodd sal-mitejn? Din veru mhix mewġa, imma tsunami.
Prim, tagħmilx bħal t'a qablek għax tinkwetani. Din tal-Covid, qisha kobb'oħra tal-Ażerbajġani. Dir-ras iebsa għalfejn? Jew ma tafx tgħodd sal-mitejn? Din veru mhix mewġa, imma tsunami.
Sent in by Spartacus: What you are looking at is a photo of two persons shaking hands. There is nothing so special about it. They are smiling and seem to be so content in each other’s company. This is what the picture imparts. But for all those who are unfamiliar with these two persons, let [...]
Wieġbet urtata l-ministru Farrugia: “Jien mhux bħal Konrad, minix maħmuġa. Minhix Michelle, ma nilbisx kowts; Ma' Yorgen jien, ma mmurx fuq boats; U Boris qalli li rqieqa għasluġa.“
Rajna 'l-eks-ministru fid-departures, fil-kju, qalilna li sejjer “star consultant mal-WHO*” “Absolutely! Essentially, the Covid helps in family planning too.” *Pronounced as 'who'.
“Every nation deserves the government they have” -- Joseph de Maistre. Absolutely true. Malta is a fine example. For the Maltese, democracy means that they can vote every five years. They cast their vote on election day and then go on about their lives as usual until the next election and in between they do [...]
Rajna wkoll 'l-Ministru tal-Enerġija. Qal li l-konsum sploda bil-pandemija. "Anke l-pills blu ma sabx jixtri hu, għax f'Malta kulħadd għaddej għalenija."
Fl-aħħar ġie Owen barbut u fartas, fl-edukazzjoni, hu ftaħar li studja kull każ, “Skola f'Jannar u vaganzi fi Frar” Imbagħad beda jonħor għax qabdu n-ngħas.
Adrian Delia issued a statement saying that all candidates for the leadership of the PN should submit themselves to a thorough due diligence process. Including himself. He seems to have been reacting to an appeal made to the party – quite likely also initiated by him – for the requirement to have him go through [...]
Pieter Omtzigt today reacted to Edward Zammit Lewis’ triumphalism on the “historic” constitutional amendments adopted 10 days ago by Parliament. Writing in Times of Malta he observed that “it seems that most MPs had not even seen the final texts when they were told to vote for them. This is not how things are done [...]