Robert Abela’s sister-in-law is campaigning for a seat in Parliament. It seems everyone must stand while she searches for a chair. Here’s her propaganda truck in Bormla, the town she is, ironically, the mayor of. It’s as subtle as a drunk in a graveyard.

These images came to me from someone trying to have a jog on the Bormla promenade on the right side of roadside bollards meant to keep vehicles on the other side of it. But not when the vehicle is 20 metres long and sports a picture of Mayor Zerafa Civelli.

You know the irony of all this? Where it’s convenient to them they point out it’s not electioneering season yet. Newsbook reported that they got a misdirected call from an Ian Borg canvasser who offered them a job in exchange for voting for the transport minister at the next election.

Once the election date is announced that simple act is a crime with a prison term attached. Now, before the election date is announced, the same act with the same moral implications, is perfectly permissible at law.

Therefore, it’s convenient for them to keep the date a secret until the last possible moment while they campaign for your vote at your expense and hogging space that belongs to you.