THE SUNDAY TIMES: The established

2020-08-16T07:44:28+02:00Sun, 16th Aug '20, 07:44|

"This then is the entirety of our governing class: criminal masterminds and mindless henchmen. These are the established, the comfortably numb, the people who do not need a clean conscience and a selfless instinct for public service to mitigate their sacrifice." Read my article in The Sunday Times today.

Blue Peter

2020-08-16T15:48:10+02:00Sun, 16th Aug '20, 06:02|

So, Peter Grech is leaving on 9 September. His resignation becomes effective on the 10th anniversary of his appointment. His selection was announced on 3 September 2010 and he took charge a few days after that. The man is leaving office cloaked in a pitiful reputation. His collaboration with Joseph Muscat and his “kitchen cabinet”, [...]

GUEST POST: Let them eat cake

2020-08-15T16:52:00+02:00Sat, 15th Aug '20, 16:52|

It is said that Marie Antoinette never uttered these words but they were attributed to her by her enemies who were sick of her lavish lifestyle while the peasants of the city were trying to eke out a living in the sewers of Paris. Around lunch time on a hot, somewhat lowkey Santa Marija, the [...]

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

2020-08-11T17:26:06+02:00Tue, 11th Aug '20, 16:03|

Robert Abela says children must go to school. He speaks to us as if anyone of us bring up children wouldn't want them to. He reminds us because, presumably we needed reminding that, it’s important that children miss no more schooling. And it’s important that a way is found to balance the desire of ensuring [...]

Proportionate response

2020-08-11T09:08:01+02:00Tue, 11th Aug '20, 09:08|

Bigoted racists who could not bear a gathering of young people in Valletta under the banner declaring that ‘black lives matter’ filed a police report because two protesters gave them the finger. This, the mock shock wimps said, was a gesture of hatred addressed at ‘patriots’. The idea here is to diffuse with a tu [...]

GUEST POST: One condescending Prime Minister

2020-08-11T08:13:46+02:00Tue, 11th Aug '20, 08:13|

When last January, Robert Abela was sworn in as prime minister to replace the corrupt Joseph Muscat who was forced to resign by civil society, people thought that at last, Malta would have a down-to-earth humble man to lead it. He played his boy scout role to perfection with much ‘I love our country’ while [...]

MONEY: Into the grey list

2020-08-10T10:17:41+02:00Mon, 10th Aug '20, 07:56|

Scroll down for my article in this month's Money magazine.   Although it is by no means a certain fate, we are now seriously flirting with the prospect of being dumped into Moneyval’s grey list of countries with dubious credentials of financial propriety. For a country that is economically dependent on international banking, financial services, [...]

LONG READ: His mission, now he chose to accept it

2020-08-09T05:21:49+02:00Sun, 9th Aug '20, 05:21|

As potential candidates for the leadership of the PN made way for Bernard Grech, the party showed signs of life and of an ability to act like a political party rather than as an inanimate battle field. In the midst of all the devastation, there are some green shoots of hope. This does not come [...]

Cool Charmaine

2020-08-06T08:11:34+02:00Thu, 6th Aug '20, 08:11|

I was struck by how Charmaine Gauci coolly distanced herself from Robert Abela’s line that the spread of Covid is “all under control”. She is clearly less capable of mindless denial than our prime minister is. Vincent Marmara, the brutally honest statistician that is more often than not the harbinger of horrible electoral results for [...]

GUEST VERSES (MT): Having a ball

2020-08-06T07:31:19+02:00Thu, 6th Aug '20, 07:31|

Ftit tal-ġranet ilu f’tal-Moon Ball, l-okkażjoni, Miriam beżgħat sew, b’tal-virus ir-riperkussjoni. U kif daħlu 'l-Verdala, Kulħadd mlibbes gala, George weġibha “Jien, lejali lejn il-kostituzzjoni.”

GUEST POST: The handshake

2020-08-05T11:11:22+02:00Wed, 5th Aug '20, 11:11|

Sent in by Spartacus: What you are looking at is a photo of two persons shaking hands. There is nothing so special about it. They are smiling and seem to be so content in each other’s company. This is what the picture imparts.  But for all those who are unfamiliar with these two persons, let [...]

GUEST POST: Every nation deserves the government they have

2020-08-05T10:58:57+02:00Wed, 5th Aug '20, 10:58|

“Every nation deserves the government they have” -- Joseph de Maistre. Absolutely true. Malta is a fine example. For the Maltese, democracy means that they can vote every five years. They cast their vote on election day and then go on about their lives as usual until the next election and in between they do [...]

From the frying pan

2020-08-05T10:37:14+02:00Wed, 5th Aug '20, 10:37|

Adrian Delia issued a statement saying that all candidates for the leadership of the PN should submit themselves to a thorough due diligence process. Including himself. He seems to have been reacting to an appeal made to the party – quite likely also initiated by him – for the requirement to have him go through [...]

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