Unwritten history

2020-08-05T09:54:10+02:00Wed, 5th Aug '20, 09:54|

Pieter Omtzigt today reacted to Edward Zammit Lewis’ triumphalism on the “historic” constitutional amendments adopted 10 days ago by Parliament. Writing in Times of Malta he observed that “it seems that most MPs had not even seen the final texts when they were told to vote for them. This is not how things are done [...]

Dessun Norma

2020-08-04T15:48:40+02:00Tue, 4th Aug '20, 15:38|

After Reno Bugeja’s retirement from heading TVM’s news department, the Labour government has wheeled out Norma Saliba whose previous job was spokesperson for President George Vella. Her LinkedIn profile still says she works at the president’s. I’m going to assume that that is just inaccurate reporting rather than she’s holding on to both jobs at [...]

The photo proves it

2020-08-03T09:46:16+02:00Mon, 3rd Aug '20, 09:46|

Jason Azzopardi was wondering why he was being taunted by the likes of Simon Mercieca with a tu quoque about his supposed relations with Yorgen Fenech. He didn’t know the guy. Never met him. And has been busy these past three years risking life and limb to get him to serve the longest prison term [...]

GUEST POST: An open letter to Adrian Delia

2020-08-03T08:48:59+02:00Mon, 3rd Aug '20, 08:48|

Dear Adrian, Let me say it at the beginning. As a man and a lawyer, I respect you. You know the reasons so I will not elaborate. But unfortunately you do not have what it takes to be a political party leader. To be leader of a party you need to have a vision. You [...]

The only field that matters

2020-08-03T08:25:49+02:00Mon, 3rd Aug '20, 08:25|

There are no certain outcomes in elections. Adrian Delia lost the confidence of the majority of his parliamentary group, of the executive committee of his party and, after Saturday’s ballot on whether to call a fresh election for his post, a majority of the party’s general council, its highest organ. But in all three bodies [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Sausages and laws

2020-08-02T08:34:01+02:00Sun, 2nd Aug '20, 08:34|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "Our democracy is failing because our political parties are unregulated, their internal elections are outside the scrutiny of the state and open to corrupt practices, they hog free speech by employing journalists and pollute the media landscape, they are funded from backhanders on the back of public [...]

GUEST POST: Adrian Delia is after absolute power

2020-08-01T16:47:17+02:00Sat, 1st Aug '20, 16:47|

Time of essence. I humbly just ask the reader to focus and draw their own conclusions from what the following would aspire to convey. The individual’s personal thinking is much more relevant that one’s reading itself. On a number of occasions, I had through literature concluded that the current impasse of the Partit Nazzjonalista is [...]

GUEST POST: What a week

2020-08-01T16:38:03+02:00Sat, 1st Aug '20, 16:38|

Harold Wilson in the mid-1960s said that “a week is a long time in politics”. Indeed, during this past week, we had enough news to keep us occupied reading inside under the air conditioner and forgetting the sweltering heat outside. As October looms, money laundering prosecutions remain worryingly low ahead of a crucial second Moneyval [...]

The ultimate gaslighting

2020-08-01T09:26:49+02:00Sat, 1st Aug '20, 09:26|

Adrian Delia’s first marriage is far from the first or the last to breakdown. And if work had something to do with it, it won’t be the first or the last either. But for him to take the floor yesterday at the PN’s general council and try to guilt councillors into thinking his marriage broke [...]

PODCAST: Jackboots

2020-08-05T11:02:17+02:00Fri, 31st Jul '20, 18:54|

Manuel Delia · Jackboots The Nationalist Party is free to make its own choices of course. If the decision this weekend is to keep Adrian Delia on the path of confirmation, then that is its business. There’s a lot of the last-minute desperate campaigning going around reminding PN councillors why they should not give party [...]

Smorgasbord of insanity (8)

2020-07-30T20:37:32+02:00Thu, 30th Jul '20, 17:29|

Dulcis in fundo: Robert Arrigo. The man is now quivering under the enormous chip on his shoulder. I’ve known Robert Arrigo’s political frustrations for decades. He always thought that his tourism business and his football club experience entitled him to high political office. He never understood why they rather worked against his chances. It never [...]

Smorgasbord of insanity (7)

2020-07-30T17:27:36+02:00Thu, 30th Jul '20, 17:27|

Then there’s André Grech on whom generally speaking the less said the better. But I could not let this post of his pass. He bastardised Martin Niemöller’s famous quote about Adolf Hitler’s dismantling of freedom in Germany to adapt it to what he believes are his circumstances. This is perverse on so many levels. André [...]

Smorgasbord of insanity (6)

2020-07-30T17:25:12+02:00Thu, 30th Jul '20, 17:25|

Then there’s Frank Portelli who has been campaigning for Adrian Delia since the day he himself was a candidate for the post. He’s the one who gestured on TV by throwing a piece of paper to the floor saying that represented Daphne Caruana Galizia which he said would be dumped on the rubbish heap of [...]

Smorgasbord of insanity (5)

2020-07-30T17:22:39+02:00Thu, 30th Jul '20, 17:22|

Then there’s Edwin Vassallo’s brother in religious arms Simon Mercieca whose Facebook campaigning has become ever more deranged. Here he is referring to an archaic definition of the label ultramontane to say I was accusing him of supporting the Pope, which he said was an insult he was proud to receive because he loves Pope [...]

Smorgasbord of insanity (4)

2020-07-30T17:11:42+02:00Thu, 30th Jul '20, 17:11|

Consider now the ultramontane alliance of crusading fanatics that is campaigning for Adrian Delia to stay because they believe he’s their best chance at forcing the PN to become a confessional, racist, Muslim-baiting, auto-flagellating cult. This is Edwin Vassallo’s video response to my article about black-clad ideological extremism in the orbit of Adrian Delia. He [...]

Smorgasbord of insanity (3)

2020-07-30T17:09:09+02:00Thu, 30th Jul '20, 17:09|

There was another one about Jason Azzopardi that was gleefully spread by the tandem of One TV and Simon Mercieca who form a strange Molotov-Ribbentrop alliance. It’s the one about Jason Azzopardi having visited the Hilton Hotel. https://youtu.be/1utY8LMOlTc   That’s before the 17 Black revelations mind you. This completely bonkers tu quoque is supposed to [...]

Smorgasbord of insanity (2)

2020-07-30T17:04:58+02:00Thu, 30th Jul '20, 17:04|

First, there’s this idea being promoted that PN councillors should not vote in a way that could mean Jason Azzopardi is right. In obvious coordination with One TV they have made Jason Azzopardi a figure of hate. They have lampooned him, slandered him, demonised him and isolated him. The latest effort in this silly personalisation [...]

Smorgasbord of insanity (1)

2020-07-30T17:02:34+02:00Thu, 30th Jul '20, 17:02|

The Nationalist Party is this weekend having a conversation with its death. Everything dies one day or the next. Famously the knight in Bergman’s Seventh Seal played chess with death to try to delay the inevitable. Will the PN manage to postpone its final hour? It all depends on how this chess game plays out. [...]

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