A junior minister in search of a senior cause

2020-04-20T20:10:20+02:00Mon, 20th Apr '20, 19:26|

The last time Rosianne Cutajar called a public event was the anniversary of Lassana Cisse’s killing in a racist drive by shooting of a black Ħal Far tent village resident for which two AFM soldiers have been charged. She inadvertently launched an ‘All Lives Matter’ campaign calling for a fight against racial prejudice and violence. [...]

Blaming the EU

2020-04-20T07:42:19+02:00Mon, 20th Apr '20, 07:42|

In the search for enemies to blame for anything that displeases us the EU has become a surprisingly easy target for the Labour Party and those who speak for it. The hate-the-foreigner narrative is taking root and spreading even beyond what you’d expect the PL’s core support. It is just one other page from the [...]

Repubblika asks for inquiry to establish the facts in the P52 case

2020-04-19T19:47:27+02:00Sun, 19th Apr '20, 19:47|

Repubblika statement follows Ten days after The New York Times, The Guardian and other major news organisations worldwide alleged that Malta’s army sabotaged a boat carrying migrants at sea, the government and the army continue to refuse to clearly deny this allegation. Under normal circumstances, an allegation like this would be immediately investigated, the truth [...]

Adrian Delia: The PN wants lives at sea to be saved

2020-04-19T03:42:23+02:00Sat, 18th Apr '20, 20:14|

The leader of opposition Adrian Delia replied today to the spectacle by the prime minister yesterday. I have to say Adrian Delia did not have to paddle up the shit-creek Robert Abela threw Repubblika and Jason Azzopardi in, but he did so. Good on him. His decision today showed that he was willing to do [...]

Who’s the enemy?

2020-04-17T23:02:24+02:00Fri, 17th Apr '20, 23:02|

Without going into the merits of the historical accuracy of Glen Bedingfield's interpretation of this photo, his intention is clear. In a fight between good and evil Repubblika and those who dare advise it or support it are collaborators with the enemy, with evil. We are seeing now a goebbelsian drive of mass hysteria and [...]

Adrian Delia goose … steps

2020-04-17T19:55:17+02:00Fri, 17th Apr '20, 19:55|

In the same week that the government has spent several days trying not to answer two simple questions – did uniformed officers of Malta’s army sabotage the motor of a boat with 70 migrants on board? Were they acting on orders from Jeffrey Curmi, the army’s commander? – Adrian Delia, leader of what is meant [...]

The Tiger King called me

2020-04-17T10:57:15+02:00Fri, 17th Apr '20, 10:57|

More like the Tiger Kink, so we can keep things in context. I got a No Caller ID call this morning a few minutes after I posted this. The person did not identify themselves but since he was inquiring which testicles he was expected to smooch I guessed it was him. He later confirmed he [...]

Open your hymn books to St Edward, Confessor

2020-04-17T09:09:00+02:00Fri, 17th Apr '20, 09:07|

This is how Robert Abela's government manages its PR. Exactly like Joseph Muscat's government did. There's a dispute between Repubblika and Edward Zammit Lewis right now which should be fairly straightforward to resolve. Edward Zammit Lewis needs to tell the Venice Commission that he has consulted Maltese civil society about his proposed amendment to the [...]

Tiger King

2020-04-17T18:02:51+02:00Fri, 17th Apr '20, 08:09|

Anton Rea Cutajar posted the video at the bottom of this post last night saying there must be no division in the country. He reflects an oft repeated view on Facebook these days but he goes out of his way to scrape his larynx in the process. These people have obviously never heard of Nazis. [...]

The Archbishop: “Only in action is freedom”

2020-04-16T19:30:24+02:00Thu, 16th Apr '20, 19:30|

Message from Archbishop Charles Scicluna two and half years after the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. The social teachings of the church remind us that peace is founded on truth, justice, freedom and love. These four foundational values are inter-dependent, and each is essential; a community cannot be truly at peace if one of them [...]

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