Ignore your prime minister and stay at home

2020-04-05T13:56:53+02:00Sun, 5th Apr '20, 13:56|

Bad advice is worse than no advice at all. Contradictory advice is in and of itself bad advice. Every day, Charmaine Gauci is on TV backed by a very simple set of three instructions: Cover, Clean and Contain. Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing. Clean your hands for longer and more often than you’ve [...]

GUEST POST: On your electricity bill

2020-04-05T09:51:05+02:00Sun, 5th Apr '20, 09:51|

Jacob Borg of the Times of Malta recently asked Minister of Finance Edward Scicluna, whether recent calls for a cut in electricity tariffs were possible with the fixed-term contract signed with Electrogas. The minister responded: “Enemalta is not just the government’s company, as you also have the Chinese now. It is not ours to say, [...]

The presumed guilt of fake news

2020-04-05T09:41:50+02:00Sun, 5th Apr '20, 09:41|

The government is reported promising media owners some help to see them through the coronavirus crisis but reporting by the editorial arms of those media outlets suggests that the details are either too thin for now or else they have been kept from journalists for the time being. Who gets to be eligible? On what [...]

Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation and Repubblika launch ‘class action suit’ over Dataleak scandal

2020-04-07T08:49:35+02:00Fri, 3rd Apr '20, 20:01|

Civil society organisations Repubblika and The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation are together launching a legal initiative so that those persons whose personal data was revealed through the data leak  from the servers of the company C-Planet Solutions Limited may obtain justice. This database contained personal information regarding anyone who had the right to vote in [...]

Labour Deputy Leader left politics without resigning

2020-04-03T13:50:58+02:00Fri, 3rd Apr '20, 13:50|

Lockdown came early for Labour Party deputy leader Chris Cardona who has not been seen in any political engagement since the resignation of Joseph Muscat and the appointment of a new cabinet by Robert Abela. Along with Konrad Mizzi – another senior player in Joseph Muscat’s cabinet – and of course Joseph Muscat himself, Chris [...]


2020-04-03T13:17:59+02:00Fri, 3rd Apr '20, 13:17|

The initiative of the Bishop of Gozo to raise funds for a ventilator in Gozo is of course commendable. This crisis requires a national effort and though the government must lead, we should all pitch in to the best of our ability. There is nothing wrong with charity and private initiative as long as they [...]

Ban if you must. But only if you must.

2020-04-03T12:22:22+02:00Fri, 3rd Apr '20, 12:22|

I don’t approve of hunting. And I don’t like guns. Call me a lily-livered pacifist but I don’t think I could survive squeezing a trigger whatever I’d be aiming at and I don’t think there’s much that drives me into worse irrational over-reaction than the sight of children using toy guns. I admit it’s irrational [...]

Personal data leak: another piece of evidence that the Labour Party illegally harvests data to manipulate voters

2020-04-02T13:22:29+02:00Thu, 2nd Apr '20, 13:22|

The electoral commission has a database of voters which includes information that is not published in the government gazette when the electoral roll is released. The database matches names, addresses and ID numbers, with ballot boxes and polling stations. It is used to administer elections and includes information you would call very sensitive if you [...]

Smoke-filled room

2020-04-02T11:35:31+02:00Thu, 2nd Apr '20, 11:35|

A good thing happened in parliament yesterday. But it’s my job to point out what should have happened differently, what should have been better. I’m not here to applaud. Politicians have enough servile apologists without needing me. A resolution was moved jointly by the prime minister and the leader of opposition declaring that both sides [...]

GUEST POST: Locked in home but not locked out of rights

2020-04-02T10:26:25+02:00Thu, 2nd Apr '20, 10:26|

I’m publishing this piece by Annika Palome with reservations. Guest posts do not necessarily reflect my views but only of the guests. And I find myself in disagreement with some aspects of this particular post. But we’re living in strange times and stuck at home for days on end I too may have a warped [...]

GUEST POST: Bankrupt hospitals

2020-04-02T10:10:13+02:00Thu, 2nd Apr '20, 10:10|

The following is an analysis by auditor Godfrey Leone Ganado of the last available audited accounts of Steward Malta Limited that operates the concession running St Luke's, Karin Grech and Gozo General Hospital. These accounts refer to the year ending 31 December 2017. At 31 December 2017, the company was still operating under the name [...]

Owen Bonnici: the realisation of a metaphorical waste of space

2020-04-01T13:32:46+02:00Wed, 1st Apr '20, 13:31|

Stay home. Don’t make unnecessary trips. Don’t stretch the national health service by having meetings you can have from home. That applies to everyone, except Owen Bonnici apparently, who has been throwing himself at every photo opportunity imaginable like his life depended on it. Today he dragged the education ministry’s permanent secretary (not too terribly [...]

Leaked voter data was ‘controlled’ by firm advising parliamentary secretary

2020-04-01T13:17:53+02:00Wed, 1st Apr '20, 13:17|

A major data leak uncovered by an online data monitor leaked the names, addresses and telephone numbers of 340,000 Maltese voters. The secretary of the company responsible for the data leak C-Planet IT Solutions is Joseph Zrinzo, a close relative of parliamentary secretary Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi. Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi’s law firm SZA Advocates is promoted [...]

Repubblika: Our campaign for judicial independence is starting to pay off

2020-04-01T11:11:49+02:00Wed, 1st Apr '20, 11:11|

Statement by Repubblika Repubblika expresses its sincere best wishes to Judge Mark Chetcuti that has been nominated to the post of chief justice and president of Malta’s court following an agreement between the government and the parliamentary opposition. Judge Mark Chetcuti heard Repubblika’s arguments on judicial independence. We argued that judges should not be appointed [...]

Edward Scicluna’s bullshit

2020-03-31T10:57:10+02:00Tue, 31st Mar '20, 10:57|

Because that’s the only way to call it. He was being interviewed by Times of Malta and he rubbished calls – led by the PN – for a cut in energy tariffs to ease the pressure on families and businesses hurt by the coronavirus slow down or shut down. Here’s the Q&A: There have been [...]

Robert Abela’s positioning

2020-03-31T10:00:43+02:00Tue, 31st Mar '20, 10:00|

Robert Abela understands as well as anybody that when this pestilence runs itself out we are all going to be poorer than we were when it first hit us. Like all cataclysms more of us will be acutely aware of the weaknesses that many could ignore in times of plenty. More people will appreciate the [...]

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