Repubblika files police reports on murder on the high seas

2020-04-17T07:30:19+02:00Thu, 16th Apr '20, 16:58|

Repubblika today filed two police reports before the Police Commissioner. The first report is against the crew of the patrol boat P52, belonging to the Armed Forces. According to reports in the international press, one of the crew members stepped on to the immigrants’ dinghy and cut the cable of the motor. The immigrants were [...]

Porridge with a sword

2020-04-16T11:13:55+02:00Thu, 16th Apr '20, 11:13|

This Alexander Dalli is something of a clown. The ex-army officer is the director of prisons but he seems to fancy himself as a sort of a tinpot military ruler. He is manifesting messianic delusions that remind one of Idi Amin. And the more time passes the more unhinged he seems. Yesterday he staged a [...]

Those alive that fight for the dead

2020-04-16T09:10:42+02:00Thu, 16th Apr '20, 09:07|

Photo: Alessio Paduano/AFP Labour’s TV station has gone ballistic over Repubblika’s judicial letter yesterday warning that government ministers may have a criminal case to answer for their decision to abandon migrants stranded at sea to their fate. But to be fair on One TV, Repubblika’s action does not have broad support. The psychologist [...]

UPDATED:Front line doctors want government to save lives at sea

2020-04-16T15:48:29+02:00Thu, 16th Apr '20, 07:51|

Updated at 15:46 of 16.04.2020. Letter now with over 300 signatures. Over 250 healthcare professionals and students in healthcare, including more than a hundred medical doctors, have signed an open letter calling for Malta’s Prime Minister to reconsider his stance on assisting lives in danger at sea. The letter – an initiative of the Daphne Caruana [...]

12 killed at sea; 47 pushed back to danger in Libya. Repubblika says in court Ministers letting people die is criminal.

2020-04-15T18:48:52+02:00Wed, 15th Apr '20, 18:48|

Migrants abandoned for 6 days in the sea around Malta are now back in Libya according to the International Organisation for Migration. They were  found yesterday abandoned on their raft in Malta’s search and rescue waters. ❗️The migrants were rescued by a commercial ship from the Maltese search and rescue zone and handed over to [...]

Remove ‘unsafe harbours’ order

2020-04-15T09:40:49+02:00Wed, 15th Apr '20, 09:40|

I'm sharing here a Facebook post by Italian senator and journalist Sandro Ruotolo and providing my translation: Saving lives means saving the world I want you to look at this photo of Rai. She's two years old and was born in Eritrea. Journalist Sara Creta who published this tweet says that Rai left Libya a [...]

Freedom from fascists

2020-04-15T08:41:19+02:00Wed, 15th Apr '20, 08:41|

On 25 April Italy recalls its final liberation from its fascist regime. A few days later -- May 3 -- is world press freedom day. This year the Italian federation of journalists, FNSI is merging the two occasions by recalling the efforts of journalists to resist fascism, its lies and its ominous rise in our [...]

Constructive distancing

2020-04-15T08:28:27+02:00Wed, 15th Apr '20, 08:28|

Construction is not customer-facing so it outlived the social distancing restrictions on economic activity relatively unscathed. There's a logic we can all understand that if you operate a restaurant you're basically operating a giant petri dish incubating and spreading a virus among your customers. "Customers" of a construction project can afford to stay well clear [...]

Why is the DOI trolling people on Facebook?

2020-04-15T08:19:40+02:00Wed, 15th Apr '20, 08:19|

It's bad enough that we get anyone with a quarter-arsed opinion and spelling from some mediaeval generation of Maltese writing as yet uncovered by research to pour their brainless inanities, non sequiturs, illogical fallacies peppered with the occasional seasoning of unbridled hate all over Facebook comments boards. But can the official government department of information [...]

Repubblika Facebook Live: Racism in Malta

2020-04-15T07:26:33+02:00Wed, 15th Apr '20, 07:26|

Norman Vella's guests on the show TV show host Peppi Azzopardi, psychologist Mary Anne Lauri, activist Xandru Cassar, Repubblika committee member Rosette Thake, social welfare academic Andrew Azzopardi and Sylvana Brannon.

Tales from Varist’s crypt

2020-04-14T10:49:26+02:00Tue, 14th Apr '20, 10:49|

It was with ghostly pallor and grave solemnity that Evarist Bartolo gave his urbi et orbi yesterday describing, probably accurately, a scene in Libya straight out of the imagination of Heironymus Bosch. There haven’t been many occasions when our government acknowledged the cruel misery, the clear and present danger, the sheer injustice of life in [...]

16 April: 30 months waiting for truth and justice

2020-04-13T16:50:39+02:00Mon, 13th Apr '20, 16:50|

The call for truth and justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia will not be silenced by the circumstances in which we're living. Nor will the tributes to her memory fade. Join us online in our remembrance. More events will be announced by Repubblika, #occupyjustice and this website in due course.

How do you put 1000 Maltesers in a car?

2020-04-13T16:45:06+02:00Mon, 13th Apr '20, 16:45|

Manuel Micallef, Labour ideologue, TV host, and mirror-wanker extraordinaire put this up on his Facebook fully pretending his attempt at humour to be innocent. At least I hope he was joking, however pathetic that humour would be. For the benefit of all, here is his post translated: "A decision needs to be taken at the [...]

Repubblika Facebook Live: Letting people drown

2020-04-13T13:20:19+02:00Mon, 13th Apr '20, 13:20|

In case you missed it. Norman Vella yesterday interviewed Xandru Cassar, lone protestor at Castille Place calling for lives at sea to be saved. Also appearing on this program former prime minister Lawrence Gonzi, Repubblika spokesperson Marion Pace Asciak, Arnold Cassola and Jimmy Bartolo SJ.

It could happen to you

2020-04-13T13:13:10+02:00Mon, 13th Apr '20, 13:13|

Maybe I did stretch the Jesus metaphor a bit too much last weekend but if I’m honest that residue imbibed in every lapsed Catholic really bubbles up this time of year. Someone said on Facebook yesterday that the last thing they ought to be doing is taking lessons on faith from me and obviously they [...]

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