Owen Bonnici must resign

2020-01-30T13:02:34+01:00Thu, 30th Jan '20, 12:32|

  Owen Bonnici was not just found to have breached my fundamental human rights on 15 September 2018. He was found to have breached the fundamental human right to free expression of Daphne's sons and sisters and parents, the right of protesters in groups or as individuals every time they came to Valletta and left [...]

Court finds Owen Bonnici breached protesters’ human right to free expression

2020-01-30T12:59:17+01:00Thu, 30th Jan '20, 12:23|

The Constitutional Court today ruled in the case I filed in September 2018 against Minister Owen Bonnici finding that the minister breached my fundamental human right to free expression when he ordered the removal of flowers, candles and messages of protest that were part of the campaign for truth and justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia. [...]

Not the place

2020-01-29T15:02:05+01:00Wed, 29th Jan '20, 15:02|

It is out of place for the prime minister of a democratic government to say when it is appropriate for a protest to occur and when it isn’t. This is really the crux of an important battle that has been fought here for some time and which shows no sign of abating. It is a [...]

UPDATED: Not the story

2020-01-29T14:12:09+01:00Wed, 29th Jan '20, 09:27|

Updated 29 January 2020 14:08 Adds another comment thread on Facebook in reaction to the below. I rarely, almost never participate in Facebook chats. Most are littered with trolls and almost no one who participates in these discussions is open to persuasion. I would have entered into this particular discussion but the settings it is on, [...]

Forgetting November

2020-01-28T21:13:21+01:00Tue, 28th Jan '20, 21:13|

The protests of November and December 2019 were the biggest and most sustained public political manifestations not called by either major political party in living memory. They were also the most successful. They achieved aims broadly thought impossible just a few weeks before including the resignation of Joseph Muscat from the office he least wanted [...]

So, you’ve cancelled Konrad Mizzi’s contract. And now?

2020-01-28T18:13:43+01:00Tue, 28th Jan '20, 18:13|

Julia Farrugia Portelli issued a statement saying she ordered the tourism authority (that reports to her) to cancel a fat and utterly pointless consultancy contract it entered into with her predecessor Konrad Mizzi, who resigned in disgrace. Is that it? We’re supposed to be ok now? This is like a thief in black leggings and [...]

GUEST POST: Can the Partit Nazzjonalista be the solution?

2020-01-28T15:25:08+01:00Tue, 28th Jan '20, 15:24|

“Circumstantial evidence” confirms that the highest hierarchies in government for long had abetted and themselves engaged in evil acts. One cannot but judge the current Labour government as morally and politically illegitimate. In accordance with Christian faith and the natural law a similar structure that for long years has developed its political action on mass [...]

Is Joseph Muscat now on the payroll of a dictatorship?

2020-01-28T11:12:28+01:00Tue, 28th Jan '20, 11:12|

Comments made to the press this morning by MEP Roberta Metsola, after asking some tough questions of prime minister Robert Abela in Brussels, suggest that Joseph Muscat flew to Dubai last December to sign up on some sort of retainer with the Dubai emirate or one of its senior agencies. When asked if he knew [...]

Is Andy Ellul advising the government?

2020-01-28T09:25:11+01:00Tue, 28th Jan '20, 09:25|

Andy Ellul's article in today's Times of Malta is positively bonkers. It is so utterly mad, Robert Musumeci could have written it. If he dares snub me because I'm not a lawyer and therefore unqualified for disagreeing with him he should consider his own audacity in trying to lecture the dean of the faculty of [...]

U-turns don’t cut it

2020-01-30T02:58:40+01:00Tue, 28th Jan '20, 07:59|

Robert Abela is hoping this morning that his u-turns over Konrad Mizzi’s promotion, pay-rise and prestigious diplomatic assignment will diffuse the anger he caused yesterday. They can’t. There can’t be anything more hollow than his statement in the wee hours of this morning that he’s so committed to good governance that he’s taking action over [...]

You’re asking for it, Bob

2020-01-27T19:20:08+01:00Mon, 27th Jan '20, 19:20|

Konrad Mizzi heading a parliamentary delegation to the OSCE to speak about media freedom and human rights is not funny. Robert Abela thinks he’s looking smart. He thinks he’s easing in an anal plug the wrong way round. He thinks he’s done enough to suck the wind out of everyone else’s sails, he’s done enough [...]

Another resignation for no reason whatsoever

2020-01-27T13:30:01+01:00Mon, 27th Jan '20, 13:30|

There aren’t many people who can say anything good about Anthony Degiovanni. The Times called him a “Labour stalwart” which, I suppose, is something. Though it helps to be obtuse, off-putting, illogical, self-referential, toxic, deluded, monolithic, repetitive, bombastic, tiresome and irrelevant, these are not official requirements for that title. They are however requirements for professional [...]

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