Fraudulent balloting (3)

2020-01-06T14:02:11+01:00Mon, 6th Jan '20, 14:02|

If we were to apply the unverifiable doubts in an internal party election and try to fit them in national elections which we fully expect to be reliable, we might get a hint of the risks we’re playing with. Imagine how life would be if a political party beat the other by 2,000 votes at [...]

Fraudulent balloting (2)

2020-01-06T14:28:06+01:00Mon, 6th Jan '20, 13:55|

Labour supporters are getting to choose the next prime minister of Malta. But ‘prime minister’ is a serious understatement as a description of the role. There’s also the annoying detail that our prime minister – whoever happens to be holding that office – is effectively an elected absolute monarch, a bit like a pope. He [...]

Fraudulent balloting (1)

2020-01-06T13:48:35+01:00Mon, 6th Jan '20, 13:48|

  Allegations of fraud in internal party elections have become habitual. It is frightening that this can happen. Although party elections are theoretically internal to the party itself, it’s clear that the implication is national. Therefore fraud in party electoral processes is cheating the entire country of the correct outcome of an election. Think of [...]


2020-01-06T08:30:35+01:00Mon, 6th Jan '20, 08:30|

Bella Ciao is an Italian ‘canto popolare’. It tells the story of a ‘partigiano’ who offered his life, not exclusively in times of war, for his country’s freedom or liberation. In years, it developed into a protest call against forms of dictatorship and oppression. It was revived when Italy was struggling to overwhelm fascism. This ‘canto [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Political parties now have a choice

2020-01-05T09:53:41+01:00Sun, 5th Jan '20, 09:53|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "They expect us now to walk away and stay home as they go on as if nothing ever happened. We’re not doing that. Our aspirations for a new Republic are clear and legitimate. We are not demanding the impossible. We are not anarchists. We believe in the [...]

Frans Timmermans mocked for having posed with Joseph Muscat. “Who next? Kim Jong Un?”

2020-01-03T21:03:38+01:00Fri, 3rd Jan '20, 21:03|

European politicians are starting to have to regret having been seen with Joseph Muscat. European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans has faced criticism in his native Netherlands for standing by Joseph Muscat during his last months as Maltese premier even as he was covering up the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia and of the corruption [...]

Plane with Joseph Muscat on board refused overflight by Switzerland

2020-01-03T20:49:16+01:00Fri, 3rd Jan '20, 20:49|

Swiss air traffic controllers refused permission to Air Malta’s plane flying yesterday morning from Malta to London forcing it to turn back into Italy and fly around Swiss air space to continue towards its destination. The plane was carrying Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his family who were travelling with their family friends Karl and [...]

Join us Sunday 5 January

2020-01-06T06:38:55+01:00Fri, 3rd Jan '20, 10:20|

Yesterday Jason Micallef came down like a ton of bricks on an artist who decided to take the stage on Sunday and join the protest against corruption. Why her in particular? Because she has a regular slot on a program shown on TVM. They have something to threaten her with, a consequence she'd have to [...]

GUEST POST: Bella ciao

2019-12-31T20:20:00+01:00Tue, 31st Dec '19, 20:20|

At a time of year epitomising a secular conscience of faith, hope and trust, deliberations on on-going socio-political instinctive exploratory ventures are the embodiment of a well-meaning political society manoeuvring without a sense of direction. The culmination of political cautious imperatives towards a penumbra of righteousness. Indecisive wishful determination for which the bibles offer a [...]

GUEST POST: At the decade’s end

2019-12-31T20:03:56+01:00Tue, 31st Dec '19, 20:03|

At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 2019, we found ourselves at what may very well turn out to be the beginning of the end. We were in Magistrate Axiak’s court, into which a couple of hours earlier, Keith Schembri had strode, flanked by his pretty high-powered legal team, [...]

2019’s top 20 posts

2019-12-29T10:53:49+01:00Sun, 29th Dec '19, 10:53|

We’re finishing 2019 but we’re half way through the most intense, most critical chapters of the history of independent Malta. A wrap up of the news at the end of the year sounds hollow. When one is half way through something it hardly feels the right time to be looking back. This 'Top 20 posts [...]

GUEST POST: Reflections on righteousness

2019-12-28T17:29:27+01:00Sat, 28th Dec '19, 17:29|

Labour’s leadership hopefuls are busy letting us have the benefit of their wisdom about everything under the sun.  They carefully calibrate their sublime utterances with an eye to the electorate that will be elevating them or casting them out into the wilderness, where there will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Or some such [...]

GUEST POST: What next?

2019-12-28T12:01:08+01:00Sat, 28th Dec '19, 11:48|

The forces of decency are slow to anger, but if you do manage to piss them off their power is awesome to behold. Despite the grim, continued bleakness of our current national crisis it has at least been gratifying to see the old, the young, the ‘I-don’t-care-about-politics-but-this-is-too-much’ brigade, all expressing their anger at the corruption [...]

GUEST POST: The long tortuous road to Malta’s recovery.

2019-12-28T10:27:45+01:00Sat, 28th Dec '19, 10:27|

On the 19th December the Slovakian Republic began the process of healing itself after the cold blooded double murder of Jan Kuciak and his girlfriend in 2018. The court case against the murderers and the mastermind who ordered it and the ministers involved begins. Listening to the commentators both from within Slovakia and from outside [...]

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