GUEST POST: Time to Rock the Block

2019-12-01T08:59:47+01:00Sun, 1st Dec '19, 08:59|

I used the same title when I wrote a front-page article for The Voice, which was the Malta university students’ newspaper, I believe in 1999 or 2000.  I was Editor-in-Chief then and believed I could change the world.  There was blatant corruption in the way top positions at the Junior College were being permanently occupied [...]

GUEST POST: The Kakistocracy

2019-12-01T08:56:28+01:00Sun, 1st Dec '19, 08:56|

Corruption, money and greed own this country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of corrupt politicians, by corrupt politicians, and for corrupt politicians. Our leaders are frauds and liars. They are corrupt, rapacious, vile, and lead by deception. They think that they [...]

Owen Bonnici: What price stupidity?

2019-12-01T08:21:49+01:00Sun, 1st Dec '19, 08:21|

Owen Bonnici will be remembered as the Grima Wormtounge of this story. If you're not a Tolkien reader, you'll think of Squealer in Animal Farm. Or if you're of the Harry Potter generation Peter Pettigrew.  There's been one like him since the myth of Gilgamesh. He has allowed himself to be used by whom he [...]

Yorgen Fenech has been charged with murder. It will get even more interesting when he’s charged with money laundering.

2019-12-01T06:54:13+01:00Sun, 1st Dec '19, 06:54|

For many people, including myself, the plot to kill Daphne Caruana Galizia started emerging from the shadows of mystery after the Degiorgio brothers were charged in the magistrates court for money laundering. They were, of course, already in jail having been charged with Daphne's murder. But as with all unanswered questions, the trail of money [...]

The biggest lie in Maltese political history

2019-12-01T06:35:27+01:00Sun, 1st Dec '19, 06:35|

An intrinsic element of a murder plot is finding ways of pinning it on someone else. Chris Cardona has publicly claimed he is being framed by the real assassins. He seems to believe Keith Schembri has tried to get Yorgen Fenech to pin the murder on him. But there's a far unlikelier victim of a [...]

Joseph Muscat must leave Castille today

2019-11-30T19:04:53+01:00Sat, 30th Nov '19, 19:04|

Castille has been briefing journalists that Joseph Muscat will give notice of his intention to step down by mid-January. That does not cut it. We will continue our protests at least until he leaves. Now that we have learnt the truth we are not going to stop fighting and let justice be taken from us. [...]

GUEST POST: It just doesn’t add up

2019-11-30T14:15:45+01:00Sat, 30th Nov '19, 14:15|

Sent in by someone known to me. Events have been moving fast, very fast, and it is difficult to digest, keep up and analyse. No sooner do you come to a conclusion that someone (usually Joseph Muscat) moves the goal posts. Let me see if I have understood. In April 2018, Vince Muscat, one of [...]

Message to Myriam Dalli, Saviour Balzan and all the others whose scales are falling from their eyes: Come to tomorrow’s protest

2019-11-30T14:30:45+01:00Sat, 30th Nov '19, 12:24|

Myriam Dalli says she's angry about what happened. Saviour Balzan says Joseph Muscat must go. Chris Fearne says it's a serious situation. Evarist Bartolo is still talking about gods and animals in code. I'll wait for the right time to remind you that we weren't in a more privileged position than you were to be [...]

Brikkuni on Sacred Cows

2019-11-30T07:55:06+01:00Sat, 30th Nov '19, 07:55|

Mario Vella launched Brikkuni's new record at what he rightly thinks is the right time. "I don't want to live in Dubai. Or Singapore."

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