Even the very wise cannot see all ends

2019-11-28T20:36:23+01:00Thu, 28th Nov '19, 20:36|

Right now is what our country has been reduced to. Waiting breathlessly for our governors to decide their own fate so that we may be grateful for it. Or so they would have us do. Cabinet is meeting with urgency. They have spent the last few days splitting us in stupid parties. When splitting us [...]


2019-11-29T01:20:07+01:00Thu, 28th Nov '19, 16:02|

If the prime minister gave interviews I would start by asking him these questions: Does the prime minister still think there has been no corruption or wrongdoing involving Keith Schembri or Konrad Mizzi? Has the prime minister asked Keith Schembri who the owner of Macbridge is? Have the police asked the government for resources to [...]

Joseph Muscat’s “solution”

2019-11-28T11:52:18+01:00Thu, 28th Nov '19, 11:52|

What a complete mess. At any other time I’d be writing about Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jason Micallef and the open disputes among Labour Party supporters. Or I could be writing about the state of the Nationalist Party. And so on. But all that feels irrelevant noise with all that’s going on. First item on [...]

Fearless students

2019-11-27T19:49:37+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 19:49|

University students following the banner "Studenti Bla Biża" (Fearless Students) blocked traffic around the war memorial roundabout outside the walls of Valletta after all access to protesters to Castille Place and to Parliament Square was blocked up by police barricades. Traffic and public transport out of Valletta terminus were paralysed for several minutes as the [...]

The false freedom online: Daphne’s story

2019-11-27T19:30:54+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 19:30|

The following is a speech I was hoping to deliver this evening at a conference organised by ELSA (the local chapter of the European Law Students Association) discussing the topic of "Freedom of Expression Online" at the president's palace. I had to cancel my participation in the conference when ELSA asked me to cut out [...]

University students call for Joseph Muscat’s resignation

2019-11-27T18:07:15+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 18:07|

The KSU, the national union of students, called a meeting of student bodies and organisations who today approved a resolution calling for Joseph Muscat to resign. As a former president of the student union when students today had not yet been born this is a particularly unjustified moment of pride for me. Happy to see [...]

Court orders NET TV to publish right of reply

2019-11-27T17:59:22+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 17:59|

I won't bother you with the details both because this is a court case that has been dragging for 15 months to a point where the start of it is hardly relevant anymore and because there are so many important things going on this shouldn't take any of your thinking time. In brief, in August [...]

Why isn’t Joseph Muscat disappointed in his assistant?

2019-11-27T17:13:55+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 17:13|

Heads of governments of democracies – even of most dictatorships – do not usually survive a scandal where their assistant is discovered to be part of a murder conspiracy. When Macbeth wanted to kill his biggest political threat he didn’t send his soldiers for fear common friends might have a problem with it. He hired [...]

They used to call it Freedom Square

2019-11-27T16:36:10+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 16:29|

The square around Parliament has been blocked off for access. It has now become no man's land, a buffer of empty void between the people's voice and their parliamentarian's ears. They don't want to hear anymore. They just want to go on pretending it's not up to them to remove the prime minister, godfather of [...]

Be smart. Keep it peaceful.

2019-11-27T20:41:36+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 16:03|

A group of activists are calling a gathering at Triton Fountain at 5.30pm tonight. Repubblika and #occupyjustice encourage you to attend. Photo: Jon Borg. The more protest there is the better. The louder the chorus the further it goes. People are hearing us. The mood in the Labour camp is changing. As someone [...]

GUEST POST: Hard Labour

2019-11-27T13:12:45+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 13:12|

The author is a former Malta ambassador to the European Union. How could the conspirators meet on the 4th floor before the election of 2013 and think they could get away with it? In spite of, or because, they relied upon foreign advisors who helped them set up a campaign which duped a greater part [...]

National Protest on Sunday 1 December 2019

2019-12-01T20:34:13+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 13:08|

Now that the truth is emerging, we still need to fight for justice. For as long as Joseph Muscat is prime minister, he will remain an obstacle to justice. Joseph Muscat needs to resign or be removed by parliament. This is why Repubblika, #occupyjustice and manueldelia.com call all people of good will whatever their political [...]

Absent friends

2019-11-27T12:59:12+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 12:59|

Joseph Muscat wants to stay on but he’s losing his entire edifice of power. All his cronies are in handcuffs or in hiding. He is becoming increasingly like the former boss of a criminal gang after all henchmen have been arrested. He is becoming like a sole king on a chess board crawling around the [...]

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