Ian Abdilla suspended, will face disciplinary investigation

2021-08-03T10:39:16+02:00Tue, 3rd Aug '21, 10:39|

The former chief of the Police’s Economic Crimes Unit, Ian Abdilla, has been suspended from the Police Force and will face investigations under disciplinary rules governed by the Public Service Commission this website has learned. Ian Abdilla was removed from the Economic Crimes Unit last June soon after Commissioner Angelo Gafà took office and was [...]

The ultimate false equivalence

2021-08-03T10:19:19+02:00Tue, 3rd Aug '21, 10:18|

Photo: REUTERS/Darrin Zammit Lupi (MALTA)(2008) Alfred Sant waved off the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry like a whiff from an open sewer. He criticised the inquiry for shallowness and partiality while he treated its dozens of recommendations and pages upon pages of analysis backed by hundreds of hours of evidence with 80 words on [...]

Edward’s last legs

2021-08-02T14:22:17+02:00Mon, 2nd Aug '21, 14:22|

A government that justifies Edward Zammit Lewis walking out of a Cabinet meeting as he did this morning in possession of any government papers apart from his souvenir copy of his resignation has no intention of implementing the findings of the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry. Edward Zammit Lewis openly admits he was a “friend” of [...]

You kept your lunch down? Let me help you.

2021-08-02T14:39:54+02:00Mon, 2nd Aug '21, 13:49|

Read first my earlier piece about Marie Benoit being feted by Mrs Keith Schembri who was relaunching her brochures for the ultra-rich buying Maltese passports. Now that you're no longer wondering why your face is green, here's a reminder about who Mrs Keith Schembri's new "partner" being mentioned by Marie Benoit is. The name is [...]

I dare you to keep down your lunch

2021-08-02T12:22:50+02:00Mon, 2nd Aug '21, 12:21|

You know how they call us ‘elitist’. How they used to say Daphne disdained the proletariat and that our support for the cause of justice for her came from delusions of Victorian grandeur. Do you remember Keith Schembri, kicking and screaming on his way to Kordin for his two-week sojourn there while he fought for [...]

PODCAST: Cherry-picking

2021-08-02T09:46:35+02:00Mon, 2nd Aug '21, 09:46|

Manuel Delia · Cherry Picking Faced with an inquiry report that damns the failure of State institutions to protect a journalist and prevent her from being killed, Robert Abela’s first speech at a Labour Party engagement is about fixing journalism. He doesn’t propose to fix the attorney general’s office headed by someone damned by the [...]

GUEST POST: The hero and the villains

2021-08-02T09:07:52+02:00Mon, 2nd Aug '21, 09:07|

The state should shoulder responsibility for the assassination. It created an atmosphere of impunity, generated from the highest echelons of the administration in Castille, the tentacles of which then spread to other institutions, such as the police and regulatory authorities, leading to a collapse of the rule of law. - The Daphne Caruana Galizia Public [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: The unpresentables

2021-08-01T07:16:20+02:00Sun, 1st Aug '21, 07:15|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "Muscat’s cabinet ministers are Abela’s cabinet ministers. The people who have now been convicted by a state organ of enabling a murder, expect that Muscat’s resignation and Abela’s half-hearted apology to be punishment enough and they can go on as if nothing has ever happened. "Their objective [...]

Repubblika tells PL: Fire Joseph Muscat, drop politicians named by inquiry.

2021-07-31T11:44:26+02:00Sat, 31st Jul '21, 11:44|

Robert Aquilina is seen here walking back out of the Labour Party headquarters where he delivered a letter to the party’s President demanding Joseph Muscat is fired from the party and politicians identified by the inquiry for responsibility for the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia to be withdrawn from politics altogether. If looks could kill, [...]

Just read it man

2021-07-31T11:09:36+02:00Sat, 31st Jul '21, 11:09|

Adrian Delia couldn't be arsed to read the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry report. There are a few references to him that should disqualify him from public life. But that's a discussion for another time. As ever he reacts to bad news with hysterical accusations of having been lied about. The report is public so there [...]

A wider definition for “organised crime”. The names listed by the inquiry.

2021-07-31T08:44:47+02:00Sat, 31st Jul '21, 08:40|

The Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry speaks of “a level of organised crime that involves people who are not themselves criminals, that are busy with legitimate businesses or work in the public administration and politics and who work in tandem with criminals for illicit or illegal gains. If proven,” the Board goes on to say, “the [...]

This is not just a silly meme

2021-07-31T07:33:51+02:00Sat, 31st Jul '21, 07:33|

Edward Zammit Lewis has become an easy target, not that he was a tough one, to begin with, of endless jokes at his expense. Jason Azzopardi had already hinted some time ago that one government Minister had confided in Yorgen Fenech, the man accused of killing a journalist, that he thought his own supporters were [...]

Daphne inquiry explains why she should have been protected

2021-07-31T07:08:17+02:00Sat, 31st Jul '21, 07:08|

The Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry expresses its frustration that too often public officials missed what should have been obvious to them. If they hadn’t done so, this would be a very different country and Daphne would still be alive. The inquiry report points its fingers at the chief of police and the chief of the [...]

Daphne, the hero of Malta

2021-07-30T16:03:20+02:00Fri, 30th Jul '21, 15:59|

Robert Aquilina, Repubblika’s President, yesterday drew several significant points from the public inquiry findings. There was one point he highlighted which hasn’t otherwise been emphasised enough, certainly not by Malta’s President and Prime Minister: Daphne is a hero. This is one section of the inquiry that requires highlighting because justice for Daphne starts with the [...]

GUEST POST: Perhaps, a foreign umpire

2021-07-30T15:52:48+02:00Fri, 30th Jul '21, 15:52|

There are many lessons to be learned from the conclusions of the Daphne Inquiry. One is that we should consider whether the EU or the Council of Europe needs to set up a formal process by which one of them can monitor the conduct of public inquiries in member states. The monitors could be appointed [...]

Impunity rules

2021-07-30T14:17:33+02:00Fri, 30th Jul '21, 14:17|

Malta’s President said today he thinks the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry report should start the healing. He parrots Robert Abela’s line from yesterday. Government MPs this morning said they hadn’t bothered to read the report. They couldn’t feel mortification if it was mixed with venom in the fangs of a snake that bit them in [...]

This is not about VIP seats

2021-07-30T13:03:37+02:00Fri, 30th Jul '21, 13:03|

Photo: Miguela Xuereb (Newsbook). With permission. Some friends and I this morning approached the Parliament building to ask to be allowed to follow from the Stranger’s Gallery the debate about the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry report. We did not seriously expect to be allowed in. Yesterday we wrote to the Speaker to ask [...]

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