European civil society report on global tax dodging dedicated to Daphne Caruana Galizia

2018-02-20T18:00:25+01:00Tue, 20th Feb '18, 18:00|

The report is coordinated by Eurodad and has contributions from: Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC) (Austria); 11.11.11 (Belgium); Centre national de cooperation au développement (CNCD-11.11.11) (Belgium); Glopolis (Czech Republic); Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke – ActionAid Denmark (Denmark); KEPA (Finland); Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit (Germany); DemNet Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights (Hungary); Debt and Development Coalition [...]

Manfred Galdes on impunity in Malta

2018-02-20T16:55:48+01:00Tue, 20th Feb '18, 16:52|

Manfred Galdes had not publicly said much since he left the FIAU. He resigned when investigations into Konrad Mizzi were underway and never really explained why he crossed over to the private sector. Especially on why he chose to do so at that time. Today he spoke at a conference with Ian Abdilla from the [...]

Freedom is

2018-02-20T13:23:11+01:00Tue, 20th Feb '18, 13:23|

The Times of Malta report on illegal billboards is the fact file you needed if you were still impressed by the government’s insistence they was enforcing the law when they removed #occupyjustice billboards criticising them. Discriminate enforcement of the law is illegal. The law is not made of the chapter and verse that is thrown [...]

Le mépris

2018-02-20T09:09:16+01:00Tue, 20th Feb '18, 09:09|

Information on the conditions reached by our national health services are starting to emerge. Inspite of unaccounted for tens of millions and of a hypothec on the concession tied up to a farmers’ bank, the operator of three of our hospitals had no money to pay salaries to the 80 odd employees it was responsible [...]

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