UPDATED: Independent schools announce shut down to control coronavirus

2020-03-12T12:09:10+01:00Thu, 12th Mar '20, 11:38|

Independent school San Anton in Mġarr informed parents today that it will close down for two weeks starting Monday as a preventative measure against novel coronavirus. In a letter to parents the school administration recognised that parents are "increasingly reluctant to send their children to school, resulting in dwindling attendance records and significant difficulty for [...]

Listen to the doctors

2020-03-12T10:33:48+01:00Thu, 12th Mar '20, 10:27|

It’s becoming clearer that the government needs to order urgently, immediately even, a proper ban on people congregating. Schools, bars, restaurants, churches remain in business now and this no longer seems wise. No doubt the government is always wary to act in a way that stops the economy. Even shutting down schools has a wider [...]

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