You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone

2020-03-26T14:39:10+01:00Thu, 26th Mar '20, 14:39|

The economic chain reaction will do more than reduce the quality of life you have come to expect. Sectors of the economy that we all depend on are being dealt an enormous blow by the shutdown intended to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. They suffered first. The rest of us will feel the consequential [...]

European Press Freedom NGO supporting Times and in Satabank case

2020-03-26T10:01:36+01:00Thu, 26th Mar '20, 10:01|

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) is giving legal support to the Times of Malta and this website. Both have been sued for defamation by Christo Georgiev, Bulgarian co-owner of the Maltese bank “Satabank.” Georgiev filed the lawsuits in Bulgaria before the Regional Court in Varna. The Satabank co-owner is demanding that the [...]

What the NAO report into the dB project really means

2020-03-26T09:30:58+01:00Thu, 26th Mar '20, 09:30|

The NAO made a number of observations written in civil service code that need translating. The authors dedicate entire chunks of the report to the explanation on how line departments were left out of the discussion and the decision making on disposing such a huge chunk of public land for commercial development. At the time [...]

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