Edward Zammit Lewis admits to “friendship” with Yorgen Fenech. He exchanged nearly a 1,000 messages with Yorgen Fenech after Yorgen Fenech was exposed as the owner of 17 Black. With Robert Abela he delivered a press conference mocking Simon Busuttil’s efforts in court to have the 17 Black revelations investigated. After that he shared what he had done with Yorgen Fenech.

This is the proximity to crime, money, and power that the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry said was the underlying cause of the impunity that allowed Daphne Caruana Galizia to be killed. These “friendships” are just what gave Daphne’s killers the idea they would get away with her murder.

And now, Edward Zammit Lewis fully expects to get away with it.

You have a say in this. Join us outside his office in Independence Square, Valletta at 19:30 today.

Or stay home and keep paying them a salary to rob you silly and cover up for those who kill the people who bring you the truth.