Repubblika concerned about ‘lost generation’ of school children

2020-11-07T09:43:24+01:00Sat, 7th Nov '20, 09:43|

This statement was issued by Repubblika earlier today. Repubblika is deeply concerned at the government’s management of the education sector during the covid pandemic.  The greatest concern is that the government's failures are resulting in the provision of unequal quality of education to children which varies according to the category of school they attend - [...]

Knowing your friends

2020-11-07T08:50:35+01:00Sat, 7th Nov '20, 08:07|

The last time I criticised Christian Grima I did so unforgivably clumsily. It was a line dropped thoughtlessly in the middle of speaking of something else and I referred to him in the same sentence as Simon Mercieca, the guy who must be about as pleased with the result of the US presidential election as [...]

Media Freedom NGOs back Ivan Martin

2020-11-06T08:00:14+01:00Fri, 6th Nov '20, 08:00|

Malta's Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation and international media freedom NGOs Article 19, the Association of European Journalists, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, the European Federation of Journalists, Free Press Unlimited, the International Press Institute and OBC Transeuropa backed Ivan Martin after news that lawyers for Yorgen Fenech attempted to bribe him emerged. [...]

GUEST POST: A narcissist for a Prime Minister

2020-11-05T13:28:17+01:00Thu, 5th Nov '20, 13:28|

Superiority complex is a term used to describe people who compensate for feelings of inferiority (feeling like they're less than other people, not as good as others, worthless, etc.) by acting in ways that make them appear superior. They do this because controlling others may help them feel less personally inadequate. Yesterday you were excellent and replied in [...]

Cyrus Engerer’s money shot

2020-11-05T10:09:13+01:00Thu, 5th Nov '20, 10:09|

Cyrus Engerer made it to the European Parliament at last. It was a long walk that started back in 2014 and now that we've been made to watch this timelapse movie, here we are having to watch that stupid smirk on his face, thankfully behind a mask. When June 2018, Cyrus Engerer announced he would [...]

Read: “It’s not a sin to talk about migration”

2020-11-05T09:06:33+01:00Thu, 5th Nov '20, 09:06|

Read this article by Roger Casale and Piotr Maciej Kaczyński on the religious 'justification' for racist policies on migration. It's written in the aftermath of the killing of Samuel Paty and discusses the distinction between the measured, emotional and justified reaction of French President Emmanuel Macron and the reaction of populists who want to overwhelm the debate [...]

Students show Owen Bonnici what being an adult is like

2020-11-05T08:13:20+01:00Thu, 5th Nov '20, 08:13|

The university rector wrote to graduating students telling them that after hearing from the student union, graduation ceremonies will be postponed to a time when it’s safe enough to have them. We have consulted with KSU who, in turn, discussed the matter with representatives of all the student organisations. The majority of student societies were [...]


2020-11-05T07:48:08+01:00Thu, 5th Nov '20, 07:48|

If Alex Muscat gave the entire picture to parliament anticipating Malta’s line of argument in defending against the Commission’s intervention on Malta’s passports-sales scheme, the government’s case will be quite simple: the matter is not for European institutions to decide. “Brussels cannot decide what Malta does with its citizenship,” Alex Muscat said. He didn’t defend [...]

If you can’t even deny you’re a fraudster …

2020-11-04T17:42:31+01:00Wed, 4th Nov '20, 17:42|

I’m not a court of law (and neither, incidentally is the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry). Therefore I’m under no obligation to restrain myself from inferring anything from someone’s “choice not to answer a question” in order not to incriminate themselves. I mean, ask me any time if I’m a fraudster, and after some form of [...]

GUEST POST: The Golden Passport

2020-11-04T08:08:30+01:00Wed, 4th Nov '20, 08:08|

Money don't get everything, it's true What it don't get, I can't use Now give me money That's what I want That's what I want, yeah That's what I want - ‘Money’ by The Beatles Since its inception in 1995, the Corruption Perception Index, Transparency International’s flagship report has become the leading global indicator of [...]

Plata o plomo

2020-11-03T15:55:47+01:00Tue, 3rd Nov '20, 15:55|

We read in the Times of Malta that a journalist of theirs, Ivan Martin, was offered a payment of several hundred euro presumably to influence his reporting on the case of Yorgen Fenech. That’s because the money was offered to him by Gianluca Caruana Curran at a meeting where Yorgen Fenech’s other lawyer Charles Mercieca [...]

There’s no other side of the story

2020-11-03T14:21:08+01:00Tue, 3rd Nov '20, 14:21|

Yorgen Fenech’s lawyers protested with the judges hearing the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry saying thejudges are doing away with the principle of “listening to the other side”. They said it in Latin, as if when it’s loudly sung and in a foreign tongue it would make more sense. Audi alteram partem … let the other [...]

The excuse we are expected to accept

2020-11-03T13:43:38+01:00Tue, 3rd Nov '20, 13:43|

Silvio Valletta thought that if an excuse works for Joseph Muscat, he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to use it as well. Didn’t Silvio Valletta feel it was inappropriate to refuse the hospitality of Yorgen Fenech, accept his frequent invitations to visit his “ranch” and travel with him to international football matches? Silvio Valletta’s response [...]

Omicidio di Stato: Mondadori publishes Italian edition of Murder on the Malta Express

2020-11-03T11:29:31+01:00Tue, 3rd Nov '20, 11:29|

Italian publisher Mondadori has published today the Italian edition of Murder on the Malta Express: Who Killed Daphne Caruana Galizia first published in the original English in Malta by Midsea Books in October 2019 and released worldwide by Silvertail Books in December 2019. The Italian title of the book is "Un Omicidio di Stato", 'A [...]

LONG READ: Time to work on the other branches

2020-11-03T11:04:29+01:00Tue, 3rd Nov '20, 11:04|

A few days ago, I wrote about the false economies of trying to keep the justice system cost-effective by crushing its efficiency. Governments insist no more judges are needed and the justice system would work better if judges listened to cases for longer hours in the day instead of spending their afternoons doing what it [...]

What a fine mess we’re in

2020-11-01T11:16:29+01:00Sun, 1st Nov '20, 11:16|

The revelations by PN MP Jason Azzopardi and the follow up reports in the press about the alleged involvement of sitting and former Labour politicians in crimes, would, in ordinary times, in ordinary countries, start a frenzied demand from the public to know what the prime minister is doing to distance himself from crooks and [...]

PN distances itself from Ryan Mercieca

2020-11-01T10:22:18+01:00Sun, 1st Nov '20, 10:22|

Ryan Mercieca, who contested the 2017 elections on the PN ticket, told this website he was still considering running for the seat vacated by the death of Frederick Azzopardi. But if he decided to run, he would be doing so without the blessing of the party that put him forward for election three years ago. [...]

RIGHT OF REPLY: Ryan Mercieca Replies

2020-11-01T08:23:10+01:00Sun, 1st Nov '20, 08:23|

Ryan Mercieca sent in this answer to this earlier post. As usual comments under a Right of Reply statement will not be posted. Dear Mr. Delia, Hope this email finds you well. First of all, let me take the opportunity to thank you for your journalistic work and fight against corruption. With reference to your article published [...]

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