Owen thinks we can’t read backwards

2018-11-16T11:51:43+01:00Fri, 16th Nov '18, 11:51|

Owen Bonnici read somewhere Leonardo da Vinci wrote against a mirror to confuse readers who might try to steal his discoveries. So he sent his employees to flip the hoarding decorated last night with graffiti to face inwards. Owen, here's a note. We can still read 'thgiR saw enhpaD'. You're such an ostrich!

One year ago today

2018-11-16T10:25:37+01:00Fri, 16th Nov '18, 10:25|

I don't usually do this but I noticed some people were sharing this piece this morning on Facebook. I wrote it a year ago today which of course was one month after Daphne Caruana Galizia's killing. I remember writing the piece on the flight back from Strasbourg where I had gone to attend the naming [...]

We gather again tonight

2018-11-17T08:49:40+01:00Fri, 16th Nov '18, 10:04|

The only weapon a journalist has is credibility. Which is why that's what people in power investigated by journalists focus all their fire-power on: destroying that credibility. Daphne Caruana Galizia has become a worldwide symbol of this unequal relationship and how tyrants and crooks all over the world have understood that to get away with [...]

#occupyjustice demand arrests of Schembri, Mizzi and Yorgen Fenech

2018-11-15T14:04:59+01:00Thu, 15th Nov '18, 14:04|

 This is a statement #occupyjustice delivered outside the Valletta police station a few moments ago: Today #occupyjustice has lodged a formal report calling on the police to investigate Yorgen Fenech, Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri following fresh revelations about 17 Black, by The Daphne Project, an international consortium of journalists, last week.  The investigative reports [...]

Integra Foundation calls for removal of Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri

2018-11-15T13:45:02+01:00Thu, 15th Nov '18, 13:45|

In a Facebook post this afternoon, NGO Integra Foundation has called for the immediate removal of Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri. "The evidence (and not speculation) in relation to 17Black is indisputable," the NGO said. ħ The NGO, a member of Malta's Platform for Human Rights Organisations works on issues related to children, gender, LGBTI, [...]

What’s left of the free press must fight this now

2018-11-15T13:28:52+01:00Thu, 15th Nov '18, 13:28|

Yesterday I criticised TVM for agreeing to cover Konrad Mizzi events at which the rest of the press is not invited. Today Konrad Mizzi’s boss backed him. OPM told Times of Malta it would not interfere in Konrad Mizzi’s decision on which press he might invite and which he might leave out. This practice used [...]

TG2: Migration, trafficking and a government that does not answer questions

2018-11-15T12:48:07+01:00Thu, 15th Nov '18, 12:48|

Follow this feature that TG2 broadcast this week after the Italian government accused Malta of breaking international law pushing migrants it has saved closer to its neighbour and abandoning them there. And see why a government that does not answer journalists' questions when it is accused of illegalities at sea becomes instantly suspect on its [...]

Chris Peregin: Say allegation one more time

2018-11-15T10:47:07+01:00Thu, 15th Nov '18, 10:47|

It may have been the sight of a pissed off Samuel L Jackson that did it for me but this piece by Chris Peregin is top of the pops. The tongue-twisting legalese that Joseph Muscat and his fellow travellers are using to get themselves out of dodge has transited from dubious to inconsistent to angry [...]

TVM, aka Super Two

2018-11-14T19:18:27+01:00Wed, 14th Nov '18, 19:18|

The Institute of Journalists’ criticism of Konrad Mizzi for dodging the free press is perfectly legitimate. But it raises questions it does not ask. When Konrad Mizzi wants to communicate a message to the outside world he no longer does so by speaking to the press. He uses public funds to produce adverts on social [...]

Several countries criticise Malta for deteriorating free speech.

2018-11-14T18:51:45+01:00Wed, 14th Nov '18, 18:51|

Several countries of the United Nations raised major concerns today about the deterioration of freedom of expression in Malta following the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia and highlighted the inadequacies of the investigation into her killing. The United States of America, Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Holy See, [...]

Fenech, Gasan, Apap Bologna: time for answers

2018-11-14T17:06:00+01:00Wed, 14th Nov '18, 17:04|

All partners in Electrogas should by now have made clear statements explaining what they knew and did not know about the creation of a Dubai company — 17 Black — and its commitment with Panama companies Hearnville and Tillgate to pay them large amounts of money. A Reuters investigation has confirmed that 17 Black was [...]

Let the children come

2018-11-14T12:10:29+01:00Wed, 14th Nov '18, 12:10|

We have worn the sobriquet Mafia State uncomfortably for some time now. One intuitively recognisable characteristic of communities that embrace the values of Mafiosi is their inability to recognise themselves for what they are. To the point where the rituals of a society that institutionalises its hypocrisies and ritualises its inherent stupidities become a badge [...]

EP tax evasion committee calls on passport sales to be abolished

2018-11-14T11:11:05+01:00Wed, 14th Nov '18, 11:07|

A 45-strong European Parliament committee is recommending abolishing all ‘golden visa’ or ‘passport by investment’ schemes, including Malta’s. The Special Committee on Financial Crimes, Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance has found in a draft report that the economic benefits of passport sales do not compensate for the serious money-laundering and tax evasion risks they present. [...]

Does Evarist Bartolo still think you’re an animal?

2018-11-13T18:13:34+01:00Tue, 13th Nov '18, 18:13|

In more innocent times, when Evarist Bartolo didn't himself cover up for corruption under his watch and when not even he, the old fox, realised Joseph Muscat was in on it with Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri, the smooth-talking wise guy dared to say on tape Konrad Mizzi should have quit politics when his Panama [...]

Dr George Hyzler, don’t be like the others

2018-11-13T18:00:08+01:00Tue, 13th Nov '18, 18:00|

Look, if the new Commissioner for Standards in Public Life is going to start from his first day looking for reasons not to rock the boat, he might as well stay out of it. We have enough institutions dodging bullets like slugs chewing on their own viscera. I can understand the primary objection that a [...]

Bribery is a two way crime

2018-11-13T17:35:56+01:00Tue, 13th Nov '18, 17:35|

Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi should be at police headquarters with a bright light in their face fielding tough questions from the bad cop and weeping in the sloppy arms of the good one. No doubt about that. We have documents that show them setting up a company to receive money on their behalf. We [...]

Power with a capital A

2018-11-13T17:03:47+01:00Tue, 13th Nov '18, 17:03|

Charles Darwin would be having a field day. These are not century-old turtles crawling around the Galapagos. They are male Maltese politicians seeking high ground for breeding rights to grab some of the scraps left by the big shots by marrying a very specific type of wife: one whose surname starts with an A. Gradually, [...]

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