From the page to the real world

2018-11-05T16:23:22+01:00Mon, 5th Nov '18, 16:23|

Twenty-five years ago, Alternattiva Demokratika used to publish a bi-weekly newspaper that ran a story about a Member of Parliament who dodged taxes on money he stashed in the UK.  The guy was called Lino Gauci Borda and the gossip at the time — this never made it anywhere near print of course — was [...]

Schiavone describes PN leader after “a few drinks”: “Adrian is like a piece of shit”

2018-11-04T12:56:35+01:00Sun, 4th Nov '18, 12:56|

Herman Schiavone in a Facebook post denies a Malta Today story that he, Schiavone, was “mulling dignified exit” for Adrian Delia. He branded Malta Today’s report as “deceiving” and that “Adrian Delia is not resigning and is becoming stronger day by day”. Herman Schiavone will have to deny this post as well then. In a [...]

So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause

2018-11-04T11:58:15+01:00Sun, 4th Nov '18, 11:58|

The Observer columnist Nick Cohen wrote this piece on The Guardian about how Donald Trump’s authoritarianism, isolationism and American exceptionalism is giving license to tyrants of the world to go down roads the civilised world of 1945-2016 would have stopped them from pursuing. Brazil, Turkey, Slovakia and — you’ve guessed it — Malta makes the [...]

“Not fit for purpose”

2018-11-04T11:33:31+01:00Sun, 4th Nov '18, 10:53|

The editor of The Sunday Times today noticed it as others have. When on Wednesday I published the story that Nickie Vella de Fremeaux asked her husband Adrian Delia for a separation, a floodgate of abuse came on. There should have been no question on the public interest of the story as The Sunday Times points [...]


2018-10-30T15:20:21+01:00Fri, 2nd Nov '18, 00:01|

Every four days, a journalist is murdered, often because he or she denounced corruption, trafficking, political wrongdoing or human rights abuses. Those responsible for these killings are almost never brought to justice. This website is proud to be part of the UNESCO's campaign #TruthNeverDies on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for [...]

The question of public interest

2018-10-31T14:46:57+01:00Wed, 31st Oct '18, 13:48|

I am not surprised at the reaction out there to the story I published this morning about Nickie Vella de Fremeaux asking her husband Adrian Delia for a separation. The reaction is exactly what I expected it to be and it's not a joy ride I can tell you. There are people who for genuine [...]

Covering up corruption is corrupt

2018-10-31T13:11:11+01:00Wed, 31st Oct '18, 13:11|

There are two important stories in today’s Times of Malta that need attention and need some connecting as I see it. On page 4 of the print edition, there’s Ivan Camilleri’s court report of Magistrate Ian Farrugia criticising Minister Evarist Bartolo for sitting on information of corruption of a member of his staff. It’s the [...]

Nickie Vella de Fremeaux asks Adrian Delia for separation

2018-10-31T01:30:59+01:00Wed, 31st Oct '18, 01:30|

Nickie Vella de Fremeaux, the spouse of Leader of the Opposition Adrian Delia, has asked her husband for a separation, this website is informed. The communication was sent last week in a formal letter sent to Adrian Delia at his office at the headquarters of the Nationalist Party in Pieta’. The letter was signed by [...]

You’re being watched

2018-10-29T16:42:26+01:00Mon, 29th Oct '18, 16:42|

Photo: Washington Post Facial recognition technology is coming our way. If you’re in Paceville or in Marsa the government will know it. You might argue that is because the places are unsafe and law enforcement needs all the help it can get to bring order where there is none. But the consequences could [...]

Are you a victim of corruption?

2018-10-29T14:56:57+01:00Mon, 29th Oct '18, 14:56|

It can be said of any tragedy. It would be funny if it wasn’t just so damn wrong. Simon Busuttil was told by the Constitutional Court this morning the Attorney General was wrong to say that the safeguards on a fair trial do not apply to the case of the Panama Gang’s appeal from a [...]

I don’t have to like it to know it’s right

2018-10-29T12:14:46+01:00Mon, 29th Oct '18, 12:14|

I have had some reason to reflect about professional solidarity between journalists these last few days, or lack of it. I wasn’t really thinking about solidarity with me. I’m new on the block and every professional in any profession will tell you, you earn the respect of your peers with years of commitment and hard [...]

When murdering journalists becomes commonplace

2018-10-29T11:24:14+01:00Mon, 29th Oct '18, 11:24|

The following is from a piece by Frank Vogl, co-founder of Transparency International and author of Waging War on Corruption: "At a recent conference on global corruption in Copenhagen, Matthew Caruana Galizia talked about the killing of his mother. Her articles were increasingly shining a spotlight on systematic corruption across the Maltese government. Daphne Caruana [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: More than a mile

2018-10-28T12:02:59+01:00Sun, 28th Oct '18, 12:02|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: Photo: Chris Sant Fournier "The hope that energises the campaign for truth and justice is not the promise of final victory. Hope comes from the fact that disobeying an illegitimate order, protesting, reminding what others would rather be forgotten, placing flowers and candles in protest [...]

Truth and Justice (PEN, CPJ, IPI, RSF)

2018-10-27T14:28:57+02:00Sat, 27th Oct '18, 14:28|

Speech by Carles Torner, PEN International. Dr Carles Torner is the Executive Director of PEN International, the international secretariat of 150 PEN centres worldwide which work to promote freedom of expression and literature and defend writers at risk. He is an award-winning Catalan poet and essayist. Speech by Courtney Radsch, Committee to Protect Journalists. Dr Courtney Radsch [...]

Steve Mallia’s statement

2018-10-27T14:03:25+02:00Sat, 27th Oct '18, 14:03|

Following is the full, unedited text of Mr Steven Mallia's recent press statement. Needless to say, my response will be filed in court at the appropriate juncture. Former Times of Malta editor to sue Manuel Delia for libel over malicious and unfounded allegations  I was actively involved in journalism for over two decades. Throughout that time [...]

NHK: Malta’s call for Justice

2018-10-27T07:55:57+02:00Sat, 27th Oct '18, 07:55|

Japanese world service TV NHK covered the events of October 16th marking one year since the killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia in a feature broadcast worldwide two days ago. Here's a link to their report which includes an interview with Occupy Justice activist Pia Zammit.

MFSA answers: a receptionist is taking your calls

2018-10-27T17:30:06+02:00Fri, 26th Oct '18, 13:44|

The Communications Department at the MFSA picked up the story that they chose a rough week to have a Friday out of the office. They issued this statement in response: "Dear Editors, "The MFSA refers to reports in the media concerning an event for all staff which has been planned and organised for training and [...]

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