Inspector Bigger

2022-09-02T12:44:39+02:00Fri, 2nd Sep '22, 12:44|

Sandro Camilleri is now head of the anti-money laundering unit of the police. The man is a bit of a caricature in and of himself and though I’m not above a little unkind mockery, I’ll pass on it this time. Perhaps I’m growing old. Older certainly than when I wrote this other piece – Inspector [...]

Someone has to do it

2022-09-01T10:23:55+02:00Thu, 1st Sep '22, 10:23|

Those protecting Joseph Muscat have been for years trying to keep in the ground the secrets once hidden, poorly, in the safe in the kitchen at Pilatus Bank, in Whitehall Mansions, Ta’ Xbiex. One of Joseph Muscat’s most important allies was his personal friend and lawyer Paul Lia. Lia and Muscat come a long way. [...]


2022-09-02T07:50:14+02:00Thu, 1st Sep '22, 09:00|

Photo: Jonathan Borg/Times of Malta Is it not a relief to know our prime minister will take time off from his near permanent holiday to receive the prime minister of another country? He looks so healthy. Look at that tan. He's spent so much time in the sun he actually looks darker than [...]

5 years

2022-09-01T08:56:29+02:00Thu, 1st Sep '22, 08:56|

It'll soon be 5 years since the life and work of Daphne Caruana Galizia were brutally interrupted by her killers. It'll soon be 5 years of a shared struggle for justice for her, her family, and our country, a struggle which is yet incomplete and which has many years ahead. Repubblika, #occupyjustice, and this website [...]

License to solicit bribes

2022-08-30T09:29:02+02:00Tue, 30th Aug '22, 09:24|

The court yesterday acquitted Edward Caruana, an Evarist Bartolo “friend”, as Alfred Sant might classify him, of charges of extortion and bribery. The case related to allegations of kickbacks solicited by Edward Caruana during the time he worked in a very senior position at the government agency responsible for repairs and maintenance in government schools. [...]

Giglio’s Nuremberg defence

2022-08-30T12:14:27+02:00Tue, 30th Aug '22, 08:50|

Times of Malta quoted the Home Shadow Minister’s reaction to “online commentators (who) expressed surprise at the decision by criminal lawyer and PN MP Joe Giglio to defend one of the accused, noting the irony of having an opposition MP represent somebody accused of corruption in a racket involving a Labour Party minister.” Giglio “insisted [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: The first million

2022-08-28T08:15:51+02:00Sun, 28th Aug '22, 08:15|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "As we rapidly increase in number and grow inexorably towards the population mark of the first million inhabitants, we seem to agree the future will not happen if we don’t think about it. "How else can a government seriously consider slashing to nearly nothing the entire discretionary [...]

A desert

2022-08-25T17:12:12+02:00Thu, 25th Aug '22, 10:58|

I criticised Joe Giglio and implicitly Alex Borg for issuing a PN statement proposing to solve Malta’s security problems by “immediately” exiling people not born here when and if they commit a crime. The vagueness of the policy, its crudity, its fundamentally discriminatory nature, made it racist. Accompanied by the other policy proposal of deploying [...]

Crush them under tanks

2022-08-22T08:19:37+02:00Mon, 22nd Aug '22, 08:19|

There aren’t many national problems Robert Abela can be solving on his hops around the Mediterranean. Joe Giglio’s alternative recipes may have been written within driving distance of the problems they propose to solve but despite the applause they got on social media they appear about as thought through as anything Robert Abela could [...]

False gods

2022-08-19T22:29:05+02:00Fri, 19th Aug '22, 17:59|

The case against the Marsaxlokk parish priest attracts media attention for several reasons. However secular our society becomes, we still look up to priests. When one falls, scandal is inevitable. The twist that he spent tens of thousands of euro on bespoke porn shows just where public interest lies. It is not a crime to [...]

The guilty buy time

2022-08-19T15:44:03+02:00Fri, 19th Aug '22, 12:49|

The Degiorgio brothers have been complaining in court that the media has already tried and convicted them for killing Daphne Caruana Galizia. It was an odd complaint to make given that one of them openly and gleefully admitted killing Daphne in an interview with a journalist. “Business as usual,” he said, chuckling. Those complaints were [...]

These people vote

2022-08-19T11:35:36+02:00Fri, 19th Aug '22, 11:35|

I'm not writing this to depress you though purely for the purpose of sympathetic easing, it would help if it did. You might wonder how people behave online sometimes, how they get to support their heroes in spite of all the evidence there's nothing heroic about them, or how Labour wins elections. Lovin Malta put [...]

I asked police to investigate fraudsters asking for money pretending it’s for this website

2022-08-17T16:07:27+02:00Wed, 17th Aug '22, 16:00|

The new spoofing attack on this website that started yesterday took a sinister turn today as a spoofed copy of this website was making the rounds asking people to make donations but directing them to online payment accounts unconnected to I asked the police to add this fraudulent attempt to the investigation that started [...]

Look how far we’ve come

2022-08-17T10:25:32+02:00Wed, 17th Aug '22, 10:25|

The decision of the Junior College to allow students to complete their A level studies over a four-year period instead of two to let them combine study with earning money for families who depend on them is right. There are families who cannot make ends meet and quite simply cannot afford having their 16-year-old children [...]

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