Dalli’s second

2022-04-27T10:10:55+02:00Wed, 27th Apr '22, 10:10|

Alex Dalli’s former right hand man at the prison, Randolph Spiteri, has been forced to answer questions from journalists to justify his long vacation from prison duties. He insists he’s just using his accumulated vacation allowance and there’s nothing to suggest he’s being removed from his role in Kordin. Journalists don’t call up civil servants [...]

What right?

2022-04-27T14:29:18+02:00Wed, 27th Apr '22, 09:48|

A university academic with a doctorate in politics and a teaching post in public policy wrote an article about Edwin Vassallo and how too often he is underestimated, how the politician is exceptional in making no compromises with what he believes, and how he may yet unpleasantly surprise those who may have prematurely celebrated the [...]

GUEST POST: A review of Electrogas’ 2019 accounts

2022-04-27T09:24:33+02:00Wed, 27th Apr '22, 09:02|

I have extracted the information for this review from Electrogas’s audited financial statements filed with the Malta Business Registry. The Audit was carried out by PricewaterhouseCoopers, and signed by the directors, Rustam Shomurodov and Paul Apap Bologna, on 12 March 2021. There can be no doubt from the findings I explain in detail in this [...]

A brown underclass

2022-04-25T12:13:27+02:00Mon, 25th Apr '22, 12:13|

Read this story on Times of Malta about South Asian bikers delivering your Bolt/Wolt food orders. They are overworked and underpaid. They don’t have enough time to rest. They’re made to pay for their employer’s business costs. If they want to keep up their income they must work even if they’re sick. The job is [...]

Unproven wrongdoing

2022-04-25T10:12:44+02:00Mon, 25th Apr '22, 10:12|

Bernard Grech’s most trusted adviser, Ray Bezzina, moved to the dB group to work for the construction magnate. If I’m honest the actual job move didn’t shock me. This country is pathologically (and mistakenly) averse to career political operatives and has a keen appetite for chopping heads. Ray Bezzina had no realistic hope of keeping [...]

The people also voted for an Opposition

2022-04-25T09:56:37+02:00Mon, 25th Apr '22, 09:56|

Someone asked me yesterday if I had read the interview Bernard Grech gave Times of Malta before writing my article published on the same edition of the newspaper. I hadn’t. But if my piece sounded like a reaction to the PN leader’s interview it’s only because immediately the general election result was out, Bernard Grech [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Between fighting and flying

2022-04-24T08:18:10+02:00Sun, 24th Apr '22, 08:18|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "The 2022 election result was a punch that hit the bruising still glowering from five years earlier. Once you face up to the fact that not even the killing of a journalist, the world’s condemnation, greylisting by international agencies, the ruling of three judges and the chaos [...]

A commitment like a strong, cleansing wind

2022-04-22T08:27:46+02:00Fri, 22nd Apr '22, 08:27|

You may have seen reports of Bishop Joseph Galea Curmi's homily at a mass held a few days ago in memory of Daphne Caruana Galizia. I think it's truly worth reading. Here's an English translation if that's easier for you to read. We have just commemorated the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Pope Benedict [...]

Will no one protect us?

2022-04-21T12:12:28+02:00Thu, 21st Apr '22, 12:12|

The EU prosecutor briefed MEPs today about Member States’ ability and willingness to punish fraud and corruption using EU money. She has reasons to be frustrated. Denmark is not obliged to comply with the rules. A few countries have not signed up to allow the EU prosecutor to investigate their affairs. One of those countries, [...]

Asking for a stork

2022-04-21T10:20:35+02:00Thu, 21st Apr '22, 10:20|

If we have animal welfare laws, it’s because we have decided to grant animals rights. They have a right to welfare. If they are going to be eaten, we are to kill them “humanely”, that is without unnecessary cruelty. If they are going to be held captive as pets, we are to feed them and [...]

When will Labour like PN politicians?

2022-04-22T06:44:55+02:00Wed, 20th Apr '22, 14:16|

There’s a quote on Lovin Malta of a Labour politician branding PN MP Eve Borg Bonello “the new Jason Azzopardi”. Apparently in the few days since Borg Bonello made it to Parliament, Borg Bonello has referred to Joseph Muscat as a “criminal” and she recalled that Cyrus Engerer has been convicted of revenge porn. For [...]

Shadow Cabinet

2022-04-19T09:53:15+02:00Tue, 19th Apr '22, 09:53|

That’s another Westminster inheritance of dubious merit. “Shadow” cabinet and shadow ministers have a spectral elusiveness about them. They’re an ethereal version, a ghostly mirror-universe equivalent of the real cabinet and the real ministers. Of course, it’s not meant that way. It’s meant to mean that they’re a cabinet-in-waiting, an obvious reserve team ready to [...]

Hannibal comes

2022-04-18T07:59:09+02:00Mon, 18th Apr '22, 07:59|

Robert Abela told journalists he saw no need for change in the Speaker’s office and will be retaining Anġlu Farrugia for a record third term. Here are a few things that are wrong with that statement, leaving aside for a moment the fact that Anġlu Farrugia’s first two terms have demonstrated a propensity to provoke [...]

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