GUEST POST: Libel anyone?

2021-11-02T08:08:28+01:00Mon, 1st Nov '21, 15:56|

Mark Camilleri, former National Book Council Chairman, is a Labour supporter. He used to be a party delegate at its general conference. However, as the Italians say non ha peli sulla lingua. He speaks his mind. He has been critical of the Labour government because of the corruption we had to put up with for [...]

GUEST POST: When a ‘Journalist’ JAQs

2021-11-01T10:15:50+01:00Mon, 1st Nov '21, 10:15|

Karl Stagno Navarra landed himself in lukewarm water some days ago by (among other things) relying on the chance presence of a journalist at a protest organized by Repubblika to push the narrative that that it is part of a group colluding against the Labour party. It’s lukewarm water, not hot water, because Karl Stagno [...]

Beware strangers offering you sweets

2021-11-01T09:12:22+01:00Mon, 1st Nov '21, 09:12|

That must be the first lesson I can remember being given. My mother sent me across the street to the local shop to fetch her butter and ham for sandwiches back when I needed careful navigation instructions to understand what across the street meant. That trip came with two lessons. Look left, then right, then [...]

Fancy a little bit of gaslighting?

2021-11-01T09:56:57+01:00Mon, 1st Nov '21, 08:26|

An unhealthy level of psychopathy is required to speak the way Robert Abela did yesterday about the speculation over the last several weeks on an early election date. It may not be entirely unreasonable to accuse the PN of betraying frayed nerves about an election date set sooner than they’d have liked it to be. [...]

3.8 million illegal pills from Malta caught by Libyan customs – report

2021-11-01T07:46:00+01:00Mon, 1st Nov '21, 07:46|

A container that was supposed to be carrying hospital beds from Malta was held yesterday by Misurata’s customs officers after it was found carrying illegal narcotics the authorities believe “target young people”. A report on Libyan news website Almarsad quotes Libyan customs officer say that 3.8 million TAMOL-K 225, originally from India, were found in [...]

LONG READ: Strategic apologies

2021-10-29T07:39:43+02:00Fri, 29th Oct '21, 07:39|

Labour’s TV two nights ago said that a conspiracy of “the establishment” to take power from the Labour Party was being hatched on the doorstep of the police headquarters. The “evidence” of this conspiracy was a photo where a priest, a journalist, an Opposition MP, and activists from Repubblika were found to be within the [...]

GUEST POST: Stand up and be counted

2021-10-29T06:14:35+02:00Fri, 29th Oct '21, 06:14|

Nobody sets up camp outside the Police Headquarters, enduring the wind, rain and unsanitary conditions for 72 hours, for the good of their own health. People tend to prefer their home comforts, don’t they? In Malta, these home comforts have been threatened for a very long time – a reality that came sharply into perspective [...]


2021-10-28T08:57:16+02:00Thu, 28th Oct '21, 08:55|

This happens all the time but the mistake is mine for not pointing it out each time. It is important to note how One TV reports and comments on a civil society protest because One TV is the TV station owned, controlled, operated, and that speaks for the ruling party. This is the reaction of [...]

Some trolls are more serious than others

2021-10-28T06:54:19+02:00Thu, 28th Oct '21, 06:54|

You know that when you go outside the office of the police to demand they act on 5-year old evidence that a former government minister set himself up for bribes, some people are going to be annoyed. You know that some of those people are going to feel free to go on Facebook and find [...]

Well, she’s not falling for it

2021-10-27T14:33:46+02:00Wed, 27th Oct '21, 14:33|

What’s more likely, that no fraud is reported in connection with EU funds spent by Malta because we are the only crime-free country in the world or because we are so deep in shit that we don’t smell it anymore? The remarks by EU prosecutor Laura Kovesi are so remarkably on point. Maltese law enforcement [...]

European Parliament’s position is passport-selling must stop

2021-10-27T10:48:31+02:00Wed, 27th Oct '21, 10:47|

Image: The Guardian This morning’s Times of Malta headline “European Parliament suggests taxing golden passports” might at first glance suggest that the European Parliament has changed its position about passport-selling schemes. The European Parliament’s position on passport-selling was adopted by a resolution that calls on the schemes to stop. For the Parliament to [...]

#occupyjustice: Stop enabling Konrad Mizzi

2021-10-27T12:12:47+02:00Wed, 27th Oct '21, 10:05|

This is a statement issued by #occupyjustice this morning: Once again, the Labour Party has chosen to support and protect the corrupt. This is no surprise, of course and not the first time this has happened. They defended and protected Joseph Muscat, and still do; they defended and protected Keith Schembri and still do, they [...]

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