Emmanuel Navarro has been taken into custody while police ‘investigate’ his very public threat to burn Roberta Metsola alive.

The man is known to the police. He was, at the time of his arrest, on probation over a domestic violence case. His former son in law forgave him in court for threatening him of beheading and disembowelment.

Mr Navarro seems particularly fascinated by creative ways to kill.

In June, right after the election, he was clamouring for the stoning of politicians he disagreed with. Here is his call to violence, picked up by Matthew Caruana Galizia around that time.

In June Matthew pointed out the clear consequences of the spread of violent propaganda by the Labour Party.

“Every society has its violent criminals. The problem is when the governing party encourages them to attack people it doesn’t like. When Joseph Muscat’s party continues to spread violent propaganda, what is the result? His supporters see this violence coming straight from the party as an instruction to get Biblical”.

Matthew Caruana Galizia would go on to lose his mother in a Biblical conflagration.