Aldo and Mario
Malta Today reported today that the interdiction the court handed down to Aldo Cutajar in 2005 was just a few months later revoked by another court order. The court sympathised with Cutajar’s plea that since he had already lost his government job as a result of the case, the interdiction should be lifted to reduce [...]
A digest of GUEST VERSES (MT)
L-allat u l-annimali Kien hemm bniedem għaref Laburist, Li tal-allat u l-annimali kien tarrfilna l-ġist. U b'Mario Cutajar, L-alla li jtajjar, Ah! Kemm kellu raġun Evarist! Verġni Kien hemm kap tac-ċivil li xtaq limerikka Ieħor mill-kċina ta’ Kastilja li ħa falza stikka, X'm’g’amlux dawn in-nies? Agħar minn orġa f'quddies. Imbagħad jilagħbha tal-verġni bħal sħabu tal-klikka. [...]
Chickens for Kitchens
On a comments board I saw the admittedly cheap witticism that summed up Edward Scicluna’s statement of last week that the country was (is?) run by two levels of mutually exclusive government. There’s the now notorious ‘kitchen’ cabinet were the real decisions were taken. Edward Scicluna, the Finance Minister, was not part of that. It’s [...]
Dr Strangelove
It is noble of the prime minister not to want to imprison us all. He said that when he was justifying his decision to stand back and watch the virus spread in our midst without as much as insisting we stay 2 metres apart. You get the gnawing feeling Robert Abela held back on any [...]
GUEST POST: Ineptocracy
Ineptocracy is a system of government where the least capable to lead the country are elected and put in power. Malta is the perfect case study. Premier Robert Abela took centre stage after Health Minister Chris Fearne and Professor Charmaine Gauci, Superintendent for Public Health, managed to control the first wave of Covid-19, working through [...]