UPDATED: Protest in Brussels earlier today

2019-12-12T13:58:42+01:00Thu, 12th Dec '19, 13:19|

Pride of place for a large photo of Daphne Caruana Galizia at the entrance of Dar Malta today and across the street Maltese people living in Brussels joined Andrew Caruana Galizia calling for justice for his mother. Speaking at the protest there was Tom Gibson from the Committee to Protect Journalists one of the key [...]

Sometimes we need to push back

2019-12-12T09:30:37+01:00Thu, 12th Dec '19, 09:30|

There's a lot we have to put up with just because we step up and campaign for justice. I'm often challenged to justify myself and what I say and why I say it. And often reactions are provoked but these are mere distractions. Consider for example how Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando brands me a chicken for [...]


2019-12-12T09:07:57+01:00Thu, 12th Dec '19, 09:07|

Some random questions, as occur to one, with accompanying speculative muses. I’m relying on my memory, sworn testimony I’ve heard and newspaper reports. Why does Yorgen Fenech want a Presidential Pardon? Usually, it’s to direct investigators towards bringing someone higher up the tree to justice in connection with a crime committed by the beneficiary of [...]

International NGOs ask EU leaders to hold Joseph Muscat to account

2019-12-11T18:35:01+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 18:35|

The following is a joint statement by ARTICLE 19, the Association of European Journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, IFEX, Index on Censorship, the International Federation of Journalists, the International Press Institute, PEN International, Reporters Without Borders, Scottish PEN and Transparency International: We, the undersigned organisations, urge [...]

Campania journalism union offers to sign up independent Maltese journalists to help protect them

2019-12-11T18:30:22+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 18:30|

The president of the union of Campania journalists Sandro Ruotolo has proposed to extend the membership of the union to independent Maltese journalists committed to dig up the whole truth in the case of Daphne Caruana Galizia's assassination. The proposal was made at the annual meeting of Articolo 21 in Rome. "The Italian Federation of [...]

Is this supposed to clear Keith Schembri?

2019-12-11T17:08:38+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 17:08|

Testifying in court today Inspector Keith Arnaud says that Melvin Theuma once flew into a rage and mentioned Keith Schembri. “That was the only time Schembri’s name came up,” he says. And testifying himself in court Melvin Theuma says that he “cannot under oath state that Keith ever handed me money or ever spoke to [...]

We’re not going to rain on Friday’s parade. But the greedy, the corrupt, the complicit and the inept need to feel the heat.

2019-12-11T15:58:01+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 15:58|

It doesn’t really need much explaining. Look at this screenshot of Neville Gafà reacting to a post by Simon Busuttil saying the formal Republic Day ceremonies keep up the false pretence that we do not have a massive constitutional crisis around us. Neville Gafà just wants to party. For him nothing’s changed. He still ferries [...]

Justice for Journalists: London conference on Justice for Daphne

2019-12-11T15:32:30+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 15:32|

This is a recording of a conference held on 4 December at Mikhail Khodorkovsky's Open Russia Club in London where our book Murder on the Malta Express: Who Killed Daphne Caruana Galizia was also introduced to an international audience. The conference includes interventions by New Journalist of the Year awardee Paul Caruana Galizia, the director [...]

I guess then, this is as good as it gets

2019-12-11T15:06:52+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 15:06|

Jean Claude Micallef is a new addition to our parliament. Because Jean Claude Micallef is all our parliament needed to complete the matryoshka doll of hollow, spineless, replicas of each other's characterless nothingness. The Labour Parliamentary group passed on every opportunity to resolve the present crisis. Any one of them could have taken up the [...]

GUEST POST: Christmas Crackers

2019-12-11T14:55:22+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 14:55|

Don't know about you, boys and girls, but isn't the anticipation of what happens next, too thick to chew on? I mean let's think about it, shall we? On the one hand there's Robert Musumeci, speaking in tongues, rambling about the establishment and warning his meerkat audience about what's in store this winter. On another [...]

GUEST POST: The policy of appeasement

2019-12-11T14:23:39+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 14:23|

Neville Chamberlain was Britain’s prime minister from the 28th May 1937 to 10th May 1940.  He is mostly remembered, pejoratively, for his policy of appeasement, previously espoused by his successors Ramsay MacDonald and Stanley Baldwin. Faced by the inexorable rise of the ugly soul of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, Britain’s prime ministers, notably Chamberlain, [...]

Socialist MEP says EU Commission can no longer drag its feet and must act on Malta’s rights violations

2019-12-11T11:30:46+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 11:30|

Italian Socialist MEP Giuliano Pisapia has said in a statement announcing a formal parliamentary question to the European Commission that the EU, particularly the Commission, must now intervene on the situation in Malta were more signs keep emerging of violations of individual and collective rights. "The tragic death of Daphne Caruana Galizia has lifted the [...]

GUEST POST: The Most Serene Republic of Malta

2019-12-11T10:51:31+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 10:51|

As an uncompromising republican, perhaps this is a good time to say that just because I publish a guest post does not necessarily mean I agree with all the guest author says. This one is by Aaron de Giorgio, who is not as committed to the republic as I am. The Oxford English dictionary defines [...]

Azerbaijan civil society: Ilham Aliyev’s corruption is not the people’s fault

2019-12-11T10:32:37+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 10:32|

Azerbaijani civil society organisation “Democracy for Azerbaijan” sent a message to the people of Malta in a statement expressing regret about any confusion that may exist between the Azerbaijani people and the corruption of their government led by President Ilham Aliyev. “The current president of Azerbaijan and his family members as well as other Azerbaijani [...]

We are being watched

2019-12-11T10:14:16+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 10:14|

It is of some comfort that the governments of Germany and the Netherlands will be sending representatives to monitor the independent inquiry into Daphne Caruana Galizia's assassination. It is likely other countries will follow suit. That's after international free speech NGOs and journalists from all over the world threw light on Malta and kept it [...]

GUEST POST: What matters now

2019-12-11T10:33:23+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 10:00|

We are being distracted by a race for leadership while Joseph and Keith still weave and spin their web. At this point I believe it is crucial to concentrate on the main matter under consideration. Who ordered Daphne's murder? We should all be asking ourselves whether the State should be prepared to negotiate with a [...]

Occupy Justice to European Council President: take a position on the situation in Malta

2019-12-11T09:51:18+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 09:51|

The following is a letter sent by #occupyjustice to the President of the European Council Charles Michel President of the European Council Rue de la Loi B-1048 Bruxelles Belgique December 11, 2019 Dear President Michel, The summit being held this week on December 12 and 13, is the first since your appointment as President of [...]


2019-12-11T09:46:16+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 09:46|

Paul Caruana Galizia was recognised yesterday as the UK's New Journalist of the Year. Before his was mother was killed, Paul was a published historian. Good history is written by good writers. After his mother was assassinated, Paul diverted his skills to journalism and immediately made a mark. His brothers tweeted yesterday bursting with pride. [...]

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