The toxicity of Joseph Muscat

2019-12-11T09:31:35+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 09:31|

Look at the cover story on Panorama. It's about guilt by association. Before the 2017 election, after the Panama scandal came out and when Joseph Muscat called an election a year ahead of time for reasons never fully explained, Matteo Renzi came to a Labour Party meeting to profess his love of the great Joseph. [...]

The small band that captured the country

2019-12-11T08:53:43+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 08:53|

This post by Labour MEP Alex Agius Saliba is full of lies. The view that Joseph Muscat should resign immediately is not extremist given his office and his staffers have been named in a murder investigation. Civil disobedience is the opposite of anarchy. It is an escalation of protest in defence of the State not [...]

The Republic belongs to its people

2019-12-13T18:02:23+01:00Wed, 11th Dec '19, 08:39|

It is indicative of how undemocratic and intolerant the paranoid regime is that we are continuously assaulted merely for protesting demanding the prime minister's resignation and justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia. At this point few are prepared to say our demands are not justified. We protested on the 16th of every month for 25 months [...]

If we learn nothing

2019-12-10T00:03:07+01:00Tue, 10th Dec '19, 00:03|

I was on Brian Hansford's TVM show tonight trying to explain why we are worried the Labour Party will ensure justice will not happen after Joseph Muscat leaves. They think justice will be about putting Yorgen Fenech in prison, long may he stay there. Justice is learning the lessons from what happened to make sure [...]

GUEST POST: Universally Alternate

2019-12-09T23:24:17+01:00Mon, 9th Dec '19, 23:23|

It’s at times like this that I miss my “I M Beck” persona. The Times’ decision, after some twenty years and more, to discontinue me, for all that I don’t miss looming weekly deadlines, leaves me bereft of the opportunity to have fun with the Great & Good (scratch that) Bad. Not that fun is [...]

LONG READ: The ringing penny

2019-12-09T17:35:56+01:00Mon, 9th Dec '19, 17:09|

The situation is really troubling. The government’s pretence that everything is OK is becoming increasingly disturbing even to people that have supported Joseph Muscat through thick and thin. This morning I mentioned former Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi and former President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. They are significant because they are veterans of the Labour Party, [...]

Gaming industry says events in Malta are of “grave and growing concern”

2019-12-09T16:21:37+01:00Mon, 9th Dec '19, 16:21|

An association of major players in Malta's gaming industry declared that recents events in Malta "have been and continue to be of grave and growing concern to the iGaming industry operating internationally and based in Malta. Like many others, our Industry thrives on stability and demands high standards in rule of law of the institutions [...]

GUEST POST: We, the new generation

2019-12-09T15:23:16+01:00Mon, 9th Dec '19, 15:21|

The world seems to be in one of those moments when change is afoot. We see the potential of our own son-of-emigrants Mayor Pete Butigieg from Ħamrun in the US who has an outside chance of trumping Trump, at next year’s election or at least having a go as a potential vice president. He will [...]

Joseph Muscat leave now

2019-12-09T12:12:19+01:00Mon, 9th Dec '19, 12:12|

Everyone is saying it now. Everyone except it seems anyone who wants to be part of the government after Christmas. Former President Marie Louise Coleiro yesterday said "anyone involved in Daphne's murder must leave now". She did not exempt Joseph Muscat. Marlene Mizzi just posted on Facebook calling on Joseph Muscat to leave immediately. These [...]

Here, everyday is anti-corruption day

2019-12-09T12:07:11+01:00Mon, 9th Dec '19, 12:07|

The Council of Europe today marks the International Day Against Corruption. Here we have been fighting corruption every day for months and years. Here are activists outside Castille right now, and I can't reach the others squatting in the Castille lobby since this morning because the police have locked them in and us out. It's [...]

Forced eviction

2019-12-09T09:49:00+01:00Mon, 9th Dec '19, 09:49|

Here's Andy Ellul reacting to the ongoing Graffitti sit in protest in the side lobby of the Auberge de Castille. Here's my answer to Andy Ellul. Yes the police should evict anyone breaking the law in the Auberge de Castille because the building deserves respect. Fortunately Keith Schembri is not reporting for duty though the [...]

GUEST POST: The devil’s handshake

2019-12-09T09:43:43+01:00Mon, 9th Dec '19, 09:43|

What exactly does yesterday’s holy trinity picture represent? It represents all that Malta doesn’t need at this very sensitive time in its political history. Robert Abela wasn’t joking when he referred to the ‘Patt Imxajtan’ (Demonic Pact) which he vowed not to join. Trouble is that the pacts that the devil draws up with us [...]

Graffitti’s call for support

2019-12-09T08:54:03+01:00Mon, 9th Dec '19, 08:54|

Gutsy and strong Moviment Graffitti activists stormed the operational entrance of the Auberge de Castille this morning and started a sit-in protest demanding the prime minister's immediate resignation. This is their statement: They are calling people to support them from outside Castille and make some noise. It's working hours for most people but if you [...]

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