How dare you threaten me, pitiross?

2019-11-25T10:15:49+01:00Mon, 25th Nov '19, 09:41|

Hey Neville Gafà, do you really think you can threaten me? I know I’ve been up your arse for a while. Your life got easier since Daphne was killed. You chased her down garden centres and cafés right till the day a bomb was put in her car. You must have smirked when you heard [...]

When silence breaks

2019-11-25T09:23:35+01:00Mon, 25th Nov '19, 09:23|

Konrad Mizzi's fans are all over Evarist Bartolo now reminding him that he owes his re-election to Konrad Mizzi's genius. What do these guys drink? Ah yes. I think they call it Kool-Aid. A Coress (is that a real name?) Gouder from Paola, constituent and obviously a breathless supporter of Konrad Mizzi warns Evarist Bartolo [...]

Protesting with pots and pans

2019-11-25T08:43:59+01:00Mon, 25th Nov '19, 08:43|

Almost thirty-five years ago women in Valletta marched in the streets complaining about poor water supply. Infrastructure was weak and water was rationed making life tough. Today water flows easy from our taps. But we have a different thirst. We thirst for justice. Tonight bring with you pots and pans. Make some noise. Call for [...]

GUEST POST: Where are all the young?

2019-11-25T08:46:56+01:00Mon, 25th Nov '19, 08:41|

From a young woman known to me. I am a 26-year old Maltese professional, currently working abroad. Needless to say that right now, my Maltese pride has been quashed and I feel the need to deviate from questions asking where I’m from when meeting clients. As colleagues read the foreign news and ask me what’s [...]

When he clung to Keith Schembri

2019-11-25T08:30:34+01:00Mon, 25th Nov '19, 08:30|

On the eve of the 2017 election Joseph Muscat wanted to scare us all with the prospect of re-election of the PN to government. The context was a Saviour Balzan interview he was giving on TV where he's being challenged about retaining Keith Schembri. Lawrence Gonzi, Joseph Muscat reminds us, appointed a -- skużi -- [...]

GUEST POST: I will not settle for anything less

2019-11-24T19:08:10+01:00Sun, 24th Nov '19, 19:08|

Like you, I just want a credible and worthy government to sail Malta and Gozo out of these stormy waters. I want truth and justice. But oh, what a thorn I continue to be in the side of those who close blind eyes to wrongdoing. I have been asked many times not to divide the [...]

Not partisan at all

2019-11-25T12:25:34+01:00Sun, 24th Nov '19, 19:03|

BoV wrote to this website recently to insist everything is fine there. It was responding to my commentary on a Reuters story that an ECB dossier was distressed by how rotten things were at the Bank of Valletta. I said that situation is down to the partisan cronyism and tribalism at the BoV a bank [...]

Something else he said

2019-11-24T18:39:31+01:00Sun, 24th Nov '19, 18:39|

Let me take you back to 2011. Lawrence Gonzi is prime minister. His chief of staff is Edgar Galea Curmi. In case it needs recalling there was never a suggestion that Edgar Galea Curmi set up a company in Panama or wherever to receive money from the owner of a power station. Or whatever. Cyrus [...]

What she said

2019-11-24T17:17:14+01:00Sun, 24th Nov '19, 17:17|

This is a clip from the propaganda movies from 2013 when Joseph Muscat promised liberation from the tribal politics of the past and a new meritocratic nirvana where Malta would belong to all. "Malta Tagħna Lkoll". Here's Joseph Muscat's pride wife saying that she looked ahead to a time when her own children would be [...]

Also what he said

2019-11-24T17:00:21+01:00Sun, 24th Nov '19, 17:00|

Here's Chris Cardona after his return from his Velbert trip not only promising he did not have a threesome with a prostitute in a brothel on government time but also promising the prime minister believes him. He's fielding questions from an interviewer at Times of Malta. "The Prime Minister believes me from A to Z," [...]

What they said

2019-11-24T16:55:18+01:00Sun, 24th Nov '19, 16:55|

Here's Konrad Mizzi, star candidate of the Labour Party, odd, tall, code-switching, involuntarily smirking, apparently competent special offer of the Labour Party brand on the eve of 2013 election. He's giving an interview to Times of Malta saying why the misery of Malta under the yoke of the stupid and rotten nationalists would soon be [...]

Government hired UK PR firm to brief journalists that Daphne “was a corrupt spy for Russia” – Swedish newspaper

2019-11-24T16:45:52+01:00Sun, 24th Nov '19, 12:25|

Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet reported that journalists in Brussels have been approached by a British PR firm hired by the Maltese government to spread misinformation on Daphne Caruana Galizia with journalists reporting there. The report is penned by the newspaper’s Brussels correspondent Teresa Küchler. Svesnka Dagbladet (known in Sweden as SvD) says that “this week, [...]

Let’s finish what we started

2019-11-24T09:29:22+01:00Sun, 24th Nov '19, 09:29|

Thinking that a person who votes Labour is somehow inherently tribal and incapable of moral judgement is not only mistaken, it is inherently tribal and reveals an incapability of moral judgement. Voting Labour and behaving like a troll or even lying to oneself about what should be obvious are not mutually correlated characteristics. Nor is [...]

Join us

2019-11-24T09:21:02+01:00Sun, 24th Nov '19, 09:10|

Daphne did not ask to be killed. Daphne did not ask to be a hero. Paul did not ask for his mother to be assassinated. Andrew did not ask for his mother to be assassinated. Matthew did not ask for his mother to be assassinated. Peter did not ask for his wife to be assassinated. [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Joseph Muscat must go

2019-11-24T09:06:15+01:00Sun, 24th Nov '19, 09:05|

From my article in The Sunday Times today:   "One of the responsibilities that fall on the Labour Party right now is to govern. But it also falls on the Labour Party to govern ethically, without a suggestion of conflict, without subservience to criminals that call themselves businessmen because they get others to push the [...]

GUEST POST: Christianity, Democracy and moral political legitimacy

2019-11-24T08:17:31+01:00Sun, 24th Nov '19, 08:17|

This is not an opinion on Christian Democratic belief. In view of centuries old evidence, ascribed by historical and political philosophers, that there is a strong relationship between Christianity and democracy. This piece discusses the sources that oblige the actors of political society to consistently display a high moral political legitimacy. Wherever this most important [...]

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