‘Lake’ here follows up from his piece from yesterday:

In its current state, the Nationalist party, under Adrian Delia’s leadership, draws parallels with the Labour Party led by Alfred Sant. Alfred Sant’s stubbornness, only matched by that of the Labour councillors who repeatedly reconfirmed him as their leader, ensured that under his leadership the Labour Party would never win another general election. Alfred Sant’s unelectability was one of the Nationalist Party’s greatest assets in order to secure consecutive victories at the polls. 

The present day scenario within the Nationalist Party draws more parallels. The paranoia, the fortress mentality, the total inability to engage with the world outside party walls (and possibly within them) are all reminiscent of the Alfred Sant days. Over the last few days we have seen various videos of journalists being bullied outside the Nationalist Party headquarters. Videos of events which have shocked me to the core. These events followed a leaked letter to Adrian Delia, which explains how one of his own closest aides used a number of fake profiles to attack fellow Nationalist MPs and supporters. 

This is not the Nationalist way of doing things. This is not the Nationalist way of treating journalists who represent one of the main pillars of a functioning democracy. This is not the Nationalist way of dealing with internal criticism. This is simply not Nationalist.

Adrian Delia’s own trust ratings are consistently pitiful even when compared to the trust ratings reached by Alfred Sant in his days as Labour leader. If Alfred Sant was an asset to the Nationalist Party, these numbers confirm beyond any doubt that the tables have turned and today Adrian Delia is an even greater asset to the continued success of the Labour Party. 

To place things into perspective, Alfred Sant never risked losing any election by a two-thirds majority. 

I no longer wonder in disbelief at what brought the Nationalist Party to this breaking point. No, it is not the people who genuinely voiced a different opinion. No, it is not the political persuasion of any so called “Rebel MP” who brought us to this. Where it so I would easily argue that this “Rebel MP” emits more influence on the electorate than Adrian Delia himself.

It is the political stubbornness of Adrian Delia and those closest to him who brought this upon the Nationalist Party.

Our councillors need to use their influence. The next 3 years cannot be wasted in wait of another crushing defeat. They must be used to progressively rebuild the party. We owe it to the party but, most importantly, to the country. 

Adrian Delia is unelectable, he is the PN’s equivalent of Alfred Sant. The writing is on the wall.