I realise this is self-referential almost to the point of bragging, but thank you Jason Farrugia. The comment was uploaded under the asset recovery post of this morning.

Jason Farrugia: All these articles and arguments make perfect sense, and I couldn’t applaud you more for the way you eloquently put facts and your opinions about them. Though I don’t comment much, rest assured that I read pretty much all of your posts, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone – as you can verify from your stats. This brings me to the question, when will our country decide to chuck this whole lot out in the hope of better days to come, and a better administration? It shouldn’t be THAT hard, for fuck’s sake! I believe the key lies in ridding the country of party-owned media houses. It is only then that we can effectively shine some light on all of this scum. TVM and One combined, which effectively broadcasts the same content, have the attention of the absolute majority, drowning the spread of good articles such as this, drowning the truth, or at least a far more balanced and sane analysis thereof.