About Manuel Delia

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So far Manuel Delia has created 7980 blog entries.

Malta’s shame

2019-12-17T11:58:10+01:00Tue, 17th Dec '19, 11:58|

One after the other MEPs stood to restate some very clear and stark facts. A journalist has been killed. She investigated corruption on which no action has yet been taken. There is justified suspicion that the prime minister’s office was involved in the cover-up of the murder, and therefore is suspected of being involved in [...]

European Parliament starting Malta debate now

2019-12-17T08:59:38+01:00Tue, 17th Dec '19, 08:59|

Perhaps someone should tell them the court marshal could not find Keith Schembri so he can appear as a witness this morning. Perhaps they could have got Neville Gafa to find him for them. Or if not to actually see Keith Schembri, why was Neville Gafa going to Santa Maria Estate in his office car [...]

Greed is an entrance ticket for the mafia

2019-12-17T09:56:25+01:00Tue, 17th Dec '19, 08:38|

There are many reasons to watch Rai’s film from last Sunday. It can perhaps explain why the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia was never going to be a local Maltese story and that’s not just because this is the story of the killing of a journalist and journalists everywhere are bound to be interested in [...]

Yesterday’s protest

2019-12-17T06:37:25+01:00Tue, 17th Dec '19, 06:37|

Vigil and protest for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia, Valletta, Malta December 16, 2019. Photo: Darrin Zammit Lupi   Vigil and protest for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia, Valletta, Malta December 16, 2019. Photo: Darrin Zammit Lupi   Vigil and protest for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia, Valletta, Malta December [...]

Matter of trust

2019-12-16T14:02:59+01:00Mon, 16th Dec '19, 14:02|

Perhaps it’s still early to work out what the full impact will be of the court’s decision today to order the attorney general to hand over a full copy of the Egrant report to Leader of Opposition Adrian Delia. In any case Adrian Delia still doesn’t have the report. Incredibly the AG is trying to [...]

We asked for the President’s protection

2019-12-16T10:42:29+01:00Mon, 16th Dec '19, 10:42|

The president of NGO Repubblika Vicki Ann Cremona wrote this letter to President George Vella this morning. 16 ta’ Diċembru 2019 L-ET il-President ta’ Malta Il-Palazz Il-Belt Valletta Sur President: DWAR: KAMPANJA TA’ INTIMIDAZZJONI U THEDDID MILL-KLIKKA MAFJUŻA LI QED TAĦKIMNA Niktbu lilek minħabba li smajna b’attenzjoni d-diskors tiegħek ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa. U niktbu lilek [...]

This is not the Labour Party. This is the Mafia.

2019-12-16T09:58:30+01:00Mon, 16th Dec '19, 09:58|

Look at Neville Gafà bashing Evarist Bartolo for not singing with the chorus of praise for Joseph Muscat's mafia state. This post is not an episode of partisan glee seeing two Laburisti quarrel. I do not play into the myth of 'unity' and 'division' in political parties. I disapprove of cultism which necessarily means I [...]

So we hate paralympians now

2019-12-16T09:31:50+01:00Mon, 16th Dec '19, 09:31|

My friends and I are receiving all sorts of messages and threats, some privately and some publicly now. We're being invited to cut our veins. And they don't even ask nicely. You can switch your mind off to things people say on Facebook for some time. It becomes a bit harder when people shout at [...]

RaiUno Special tonight on Mafia in Malta and Europe

2019-12-16T09:56:15+01:00Sun, 15th Dec '19, 12:14|

Rai Uno has announced it will be broadcasting a special documentary on the infiltration of organised crime in Malta and Europe tonight at 23:30. Their announcement describes the situation in Europe as a 'mafia emergency'. Rotterdam harbour receives the bulk of cocaine shopped from South America. Amsterdam is a hideout for Italian fugitives of the [...]

Wet soldier

2019-12-14T16:03:45+01:00Sat, 14th Dec '19, 15:47|

Photo: Paul Borg Olivier Joseph Muscat does not want us to be wondering why Keith Schembri can pass secret intelligence to wanted murderers and get away with it. He does not want us to ask why Konrad Mizzi, forced to resign over the Panama/17 Black scandal, has not yet been questioned by the [...]

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