About Manuel Delia

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So far Manuel Delia has created 7980 blog entries.

Be smart. Keep it peaceful.

2019-11-27T20:41:36+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 16:03|

A group of activists are calling a gathering at Triton Fountain at 5.30pm tonight. Repubblika and #occupyjustice encourage you to attend. Photo: Jon Borg. The more protest there is the better. The louder the chorus the further it goes. People are hearing us. The mood in the Labour camp is changing. As someone [...]

National Protest on Sunday 1 December 2019

2019-12-01T20:34:13+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 13:08|

Now that the truth is emerging, we still need to fight for justice. For as long as Joseph Muscat is prime minister, he will remain an obstacle to justice. Joseph Muscat needs to resign or be removed by parliament. This is why Repubblika, #occupyjustice and manueldelia.com call all people of good will whatever their political [...]

Absent friends

2019-11-27T12:59:12+01:00Wed, 27th Nov '19, 12:59|

Joseph Muscat wants to stay on but he’s losing his entire edifice of power. All his cronies are in handcuffs or in hiding. He is becoming increasingly like the former boss of a criminal gang after all henchmen have been arrested. He is becoming like a sole king on a chess board crawling around the [...]

We will leave no stone unturned.

2019-11-26T12:19:42+01:00Tue, 26th Nov '19, 12:19|

They held out for three years. They held out for six actually. But the game is up. The house of cards is falling. Joseph Muscat is still under the delusion that he can survive this. He can. But not if we have anything to say about that. Joseph Muscat is looking more and more like [...]

Keith Schembri down. Joseph Muscat must go.

2019-11-26T09:45:50+01:00Tue, 26th Nov '19, 09:45|

Joseph Muscat announced his chief of staff Keith Schembri resigned. Keith Schembri was the brains behind Joseph Muscat as a political product. But he was also believed to be the engine behind the corruption within the government. His name in the Panama Papers outed him and his efforts starting before the March 2013 election that [...]

Living in interesting times

2019-11-26T09:25:26+01:00Tue, 26th Nov '19, 09:22|

Reports from within police headquarters on various media outlets say that Yorgen Fenech is throwing more in the way of the police to try to buy himself some relief from the prospect of a life sentence for murder. It remains to be seen what value his testimony has. Times of Malta’s Ivan Martin reports today [...]

GUEST VERSES: Forgiveness

2019-11-26T08:01:09+01:00Tue, 26th Nov '19, 08:01|

By Spartacus Forgiveness I beseech you for forgiveness For the deeds that I have done, Some for revenge meted, And some were done for fun. I know you are interested In hearing all my tale; I’ll let you know a teeny bit So I won’t end up in jail. Of all my misdemeanours Of all [...]

Tonight’s protest

2019-11-25T21:39:53+01:00Mon, 25th Nov '19, 21:39|

There were no speeches today. Just people shouting their anger in the rain. "Barra!" "Ġustizzja!" "Korrotti!" "Ħabs!" "Daphne kellha raġun!" https://youtu.be/BddLOKTquu8

Unanimous confidence

2019-11-25T21:32:37+01:00Mon, 25th Nov '19, 21:32|

It was disappointing but not surprising to see the Labour Party parliamentary group falling behind the great leader Joseph Muscat. What are they not seeing? Which bit are they not understanding? Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri were discovered three years ago by Daphne Caruana Galizia lining themselves up for $5,000 a day from Yorgen Fenech [...]

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