Evarist’s original sin

2020-07-30T11:24:37+02:00Thu, 30th Jul '20, 11:24|

Evarist Bartolo’s repeat performance of his Tim Sebastian confession at the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry begs for comment. It begs for sarcasm, mockery, scepticism and more than a little hilarity too. I will just focus on the hypocrisy of it all. Evarist Bartolo says Keith Schembri was too powerful and that wasn’t good for anyone [...]

GUEST POST: Letter to Robert Arrigo

2020-07-29T20:09:19+02:00Wed, 29th Jul '20, 20:09|

Dear Robert As you surely remember, I together with a group of core PN   friends, had met you privately, to discuss our concerns regarding the leadership of the PN under Adrian Delia. During our meeting, you had shown appreciation of our concerns, and you had promised us to follow them up directly with Adrian Delia, [...]

GUEST POST: Light at the end of the tunnel?

2020-07-29T10:26:51+02:00Wed, 29th Jul '20, 10:26|

Possibly, after three years in limbo, the Partit Nazzjonalista may finally be seeing a glimpse of light at the end of the long dark tunnel. Maybe. This week the General Council will decide whether a vote of confidence in Adrian Delia or an election by the councillors and tesserati for a new leader will take [...]

GUEST POST: Group-19, a coherent homogeneity

2020-07-29T10:13:43+02:00Wed, 29th Jul '20, 10:13|

Political parties, like presumably most other organisations, associations and groups, are not homogeneous entities. They are made up of individuals each and every one of them with different socio-economic, educational, religious and cultural backgrounds and hence with different opinions and ideas. They seek membership of such groups because they share the principles, the objectives and [...]

More push-backs to Libya as illegal practice to be examined by UN Human Rights body

2020-07-28T15:23:10+02:00Tue, 28th Jul '20, 15:19|

More migrants have been dragged out of Malta’s search and rescue area and taken back to detention centres in Libya under inhuman and degrading conditions. Saturday, 72 migrants were picked up in Malta’s area of responsibility at sea by Libyan coast guards and taken back to Tripoli. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees repeated [...]

The Official Monster Raving Loony Blogger

2020-07-28T10:55:33+02:00Tue, 28th Jul '20, 10:55|

John Dalli has become a biċċa blogger. I’m not telling you this because I necessarily recommend his blog. He’s there in the background like the odd items on an essential reading or viewing list for collectors, gathering dust on the back of shelves. I never had a copy of Mein Kampf mostly because I have [...]

PODCAST: Job description

2020-07-28T09:42:19+02:00Tue, 28th Jul '20, 09:42|

Manuel Delia · Job Description In June 2017, soon after the general election result was known, Simon Busuttil announced he would resign the PN leadership. It wasn’t what at the time I thought should happen but there’s only one thing worse than having a person occupying that position who would rather be doing anything else. [...]

GUEST POST: It’s like déjà vu all over again

2020-07-28T08:20:26+02:00Tue, 28th Jul '20, 08:20|

So Adrian Delia has reportedly declared that in the event that the General Council decides to hold an election for the leadership of the PN, he will contest the election. Now this begs the question – will he be allowed to take part in the election? According to a recent press release by the PN, [...]


2020-07-27T11:12:55+02:00Mon, 27th Jul '20, 11:12|

Simon Mercieca’s Facebook campaigning in support of Adrian Delia takes the form of what he must imagine is some sort of crusade. I choose the word carefully, served up warm on the plate of a historian. Simon Mercieca’s line developed long before Adrian Delia materialised. After the 2013 election, the PN accepted that its social [...]

Blockchain website says “Malta has been writing cheques its ass can’t cash”

2020-07-27T09:31:29+02:00Mon, 27th Jul '20, 09:31|

In anticipation of the Moneyval verdict, Malta is quietly dropping the much-vaunted ‘Blockchain Island’ slogan reversing years of hype led by Joseph Muscat and Silvio Schembri. As parliamentary secretary responsible for the project Silvio Schembri led the charge of exaggerating the development of the industry in Malta. In the midst of the political crisis of [...]

Bullying science with words

2020-07-27T08:02:10+02:00Mon, 27th Jul '20, 08:02|

Robert Abela gave many press conferences in May congratulating himself for his “great success” of containing the covid-19 outbreak. He didn’t have to do much himself. He was fortunate to have inherited a health minister who was exceptional in his cabinet for being competent and aware of his responsibilities. And he was fortunate to have [...]


2020-07-27T07:22:22+02:00Mon, 27th Jul '20, 07:22|

Whether out of complete delusion or because he believes this is a winning strategy, Adrian Delia sings from Joseph Muscat’s hymnbook. Consider this poem in his series of occasional outpourings of sincerity on social media. The claim being made here is that the Nationalist Party and Adrian Delia are indistinguishable, in the way Joseph the [...]

GUEST POST: Well, don’t blame us then

2020-07-25T10:45:35+02:00Sat, 25th Jul '20, 10:45|

George Hyzler’s findings in respect of Joseph Muscat’s en famille trip down to Dubai, round about the time when COVID-19 had thrown the world into turmoil, gave rise to quite a few reactive mutterings. Some of these were in the sense that Hyzler had been intimidated by that fellow Glenn Bedingfield’s assorted slurs. Bedingfield, of [...]

INTERVIEW: Louiselle Vassallo on risks to media pluralism in Malta

2020-07-24T17:27:44+02:00Fri, 24th Jul '20, 17:27|

Yesterday this website reported on the publication of the Europe-wide study on media pluralism conducted by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom co-funded by the European Union. The author of the Malta country report is Louiselle Vassallo who sat for this interview with me earlier today. Manuel Delia · Interview Louiselle Vassallo on [...]

PODCAST: The party members will get to speak

2020-07-24T10:41:28+02:00Fri, 24th Jul '20, 10:41|

Manuel Delia · The Party Members Will Get To Speak ‘The party belongs to its members,’ runs the motto of the Adrian Delia campaigners. They chose him to lead it and any attempt to remove him robs them of their right to choose the boss. That is not the logic of democratic systems but the [...]

PODCAST: Too big to handle alone

2020-07-23T19:07:16+02:00Thu, 23rd Jul '20, 15:28|

Manuel Delia · Too Big To Handle It is not disloyal to say that the crime of killing Daphne Caruana Galizia, the crimes that murder tried to cover up, and the crimes committed to cover that murder up, are beyond the capability of our institutions to address properly. I have been dragged to court for [...]

Media pluralism in Malta at risk, EU study finds

2020-07-23T11:28:10+02:00Thu, 23rd Jul '20, 11:28|

  Pluralism in Malta’s media was at ‘high risk’ in terms of market plurality and political independence. There’s also a ‘medium risk’ for social inclusiveness and basic protections of media plurality. The findings were reported today in an Europe-wide study on plurality in the media conducted by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom [...]

True colours

2020-07-25T10:43:07+02:00Thu, 23rd Jul '20, 11:00|

The Executive Committee of the Nationalist Party meets tonight. It is being convened on the orders of the party’s leader Adrian Delia. He is convening a committee that has declared in a secret vote that it has no confidence in him. And yet he is charging ahead, putting on the agenda an item called “concrete [...]

GUEST POST: Deliberation or submissiveness at the PN

2020-07-23T10:02:58+02:00Thu, 23rd Jul '20, 10:02|

The Executive Committee of the PN, composed of some 70 accredited individuals, convenes this evening to discuss the party current situation. It is reported that the party leader will be proposing a strategy towards a way forward. This initiative, on the advice of his persons of trust, is however eclipsed by a remarkable threat; side-lining [...]

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