As people gather in Great Siege Square

2019-09-07T09:44:52+02:00Sat, 7th Sep '19, 09:44|

People are gathering in Republic Street outside the Law Courts for the demonstration called by Moviment Graffiti and backed by around 60 organisations this morning. The Great Siege Memorial has been graced by wreaths laid by state officials as part of the Jum il-Vitorja celebrations. Some people participating in today's march that they could add [...]

On tomorrow’s march

2019-09-06T11:16:10+02:00Fri, 6th Sep '19, 11:14|

Many people will be in Valletta tomorrow. A number of factors come together for that to happen. Firstly, of course, the people who will show up are genuinely angry and worried and wish to express their frustration. They want to stop the sack of Malta, it’s uglification, the encroachment on space, the increase in noise, [...]


2019-09-06T10:05:45+02:00Fri, 6th Sep '19, 10:05|

This article is a follow up to this website's reporting in June 2018 regarding the notes to the financial statements of Kasco Holdings for the financial year ended 31 December 2016. Those accounts revealed a short-term loan of €2.6 million given during 2016 by the Group to a third party, which loan was unsecured and [...]

GUEST POST: Factionalism in Political Parties

2019-09-06T09:36:04+02:00Fri, 6th Sep '19, 09:36|

  Preamble The Partit Nazzjonalista is currently committed and is encouraging all interested to be part of and contribute towards the drafting of a party reform in the light of long-term perspectives. What led to this present explorative piece is two recent statements put forward by an eminent scholar and well-read thinker and another by [...]

16 September: Vigil for Truth and Justice

2019-09-17T08:53:32+02:00Fri, 6th Sep '19, 09:23|

  "The fight against corruption and the decimation of the rule of law must continue.” -- Daphne Caruana Galizia (2017) A vigil calling for truth and justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia is being held on 16 September at the Great Siege Square in Valletta at 7.30pm. Please join us.  


2019-09-04T09:46:07+02:00Wed, 4th Sep '19, 09:46|

I feel I must apologise for being away from the blog for so long. There was a bit of that which was a break for holidays in the middle of August. But the present hiatus is for work. I hope you’ll agree it was worth the pause when it is done. So please bear with [...]

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Running down the clock

2019-09-01T15:18:29+02:00Sun, 1st Sep '19, 15:18|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "There is a pattern here of running down the clock on manifestly transparent breaches of legal principles, buying time and postponing the inevitable. "The government does this because we have grown to accept anything that is thrown at us, however outrageous. We know we’re frogs in a [...]

Hurry up and wait

2019-08-26T09:33:35+02:00Mon, 26th Aug '19, 09:33|

The Criminal Court, after no less than four weeks, is still to decide on the appeal filed by Ministers Konrad Mizzi, Chris Cardona and Edward Scicluna from the decree by the Duty Magistrate on Repubblika’s request for a Magisterial Inquiry on the hospitals privatisation. The law expects such decisions to be decided “with urgency”. To [...]


2019-08-26T17:42:22+02:00Mon, 26th Aug '19, 09:15|

Whatever ‘reach out’ or ‘healing’ the PN leadership intended to start the night Adrian Delia was confirmed by the General Council as party leader does not appear to have started working. There is no significant change in the leadership’s attitude. There does not seem to be any new industrious energy coming down from the top. [...]

Do not mention the war!

2019-08-25T11:29:50+02:00Sun, 25th Aug '19, 11:29|

Are you offended by this? Or this? Or this? Then listen very carefully. I shall say this only once: you’re probably a Nazi and should fuck right off. Or else you work for it-Torċa. Or you are a Nazi who works for it-Torċa and should fuck right off in any case. The mock shock scandal [...]

Not just a racist. A hypocrite as well.

2019-08-23T21:55:10+02:00Fri, 23rd Aug '19, 21:55|

I was sued once for calling someone else a hypocrite. Justin Schembri can’t possibly sue me for calling him a racist since I did so at his own explicit invitation. Let’s see what he says to being branded a hypocrite, which he is. Justin Schembri spoke on behalf of the PN as “PN Education Spokesperson” [...]

STAR COMMENT: Politicians limbo dancing beneath principles

2019-08-23T21:21:38+02:00Fri, 23rd Aug '19, 21:21|

Sent in by David Thake under the earlier post on Justin Schembri's eulogy of Matteo Salvini: This bag of rubbish is a reflection of what the PN has become. A bunch of amateurs who think politics is a limbo dance beneath principles, diving below the acceptable without falling. I remember when I was sitting waiting [...]

‘Can the last one leaving turn off the lights?’

2019-08-23T21:08:05+02:00Fri, 23rd Aug '19, 21:08|

Emmanuel Galea finished his Times of Malta article today about the PN’s decision to scale down its yearly Indipendenza festivities with the words in this post’s headline. For him, a former long-time activist of the PN, the relocation to Pieta’ is not merely a cost-cutting exercise. Rather it is a result of the fact that [...]

Call me a racist, PN spokesman says. OK.

2019-08-23T20:42:14+02:00Fri, 23rd Aug '19, 20:42|

It is sickening that a senior politician in the PN speaks of Matteo Salvini as a model that needs to be emulated. It is revolting that he charges volunteers saving people’s lives at sea as “organised crime”. But you know what’s far worse? This poor excuse for a politician’s day job is as a school [...]

Where’s the beef?

2019-08-23T13:08:01+02:00Fri, 23rd Aug '19, 13:08|

Gaming companies licensed here are generating for themselves tens of billions of euro in turnover. The revenues they attract are truly mind-boggling. They pay little tax and dodge regulatory bullets like they were made of water. The technology designing games has a moderate recreational value but they can hardly be said to be enriching the [...]

Italian anti-mafia journalist wins New York award. Dedicates it to Daphne Caruana Galizia.

2019-08-22T15:33:54+02:00Thu, 22nd Aug '19, 15:33|

Paolo Borrometi is the winner of the 2019 Peter Mackler Award for Courageous and Ethical Journalism. The Peter Mackler Award honours reporters and editors who have demonstrated a commitment to fairness in the story well told and a matching commitment to defending the right to publish and air that story. This is what Peter Mackler [...]

If it’s green, kill it

2019-08-22T10:32:29+02:00Thu, 22nd Aug '19, 10:32|

The organisation that manages the Saluting Battery under the Upper Barraka Gardens in Valletta has finally had its way and will be removing the grassy lawn that has been a feature of the view from the garden terrace for over a decade. The lawn is believed to be the cause of water seepage down the [...]

Fresh evidence of links between Joseph Mifsud and Russia

2019-08-22T08:56:15+02:00Thu, 22nd Aug '19, 08:56|

Alexey Klishin (standing) with Vincenzo Scotti, Joseph Mifsud and Stephan Roh to his left. A team of investigative journalists have found links between the lawyer and friend of ‘Mystery Professor’ Joseph Mifsud and a senior Russian lawyer who advised the Kremlin. Forensic News has also reported that Stephan Roh, who is based in [...]

INTERVIEW: The man who came in from Baku (3)

2019-08-21T15:33:03+02:00Wed, 21st Aug '19, 11:06|

Part 3: ‘A Serious Academic Institution’ An Interview with the AUM’s John Ryder This is the third and final part of Lizzie Eldridge's series based on a 2 hour recorded interview with Professor John Ryder, recently retired Provost of the American University of Malta. Part 1 is here. In what was described ‘as the biggest [...]

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