I hate nazis

2019-08-01T08:15:50+02:00Thu, 1st Aug '19, 08:15|

'Hate' is an overused verb. When I write in criticism of someone, I'm often accused of hate. Usually, it's fans of politicians who think of their idols as some people think of Marmite: they love them but those who don't must necessarily be hating them. They don't conceive of the possibility of anything in between. [...]

Fascist cleric

2019-07-31T15:08:01+02:00Wed, 31st Jul '19, 15:08|

Fr David Muscat is a fascist cleric who lives in Mosta and preaches elsewhere. On Monday he was celebrating Norman Lowell’s birthday which for local neo-Nazis is a cult event modelled on the Fuehrergeburtstag or April 20th, celebrated in Nazi Germany as a national holiday in the cult of the Nazi dictator. Fr David Muscat [...]

GUEST SERIES: Owen Bonnici’s oath (1)

2019-07-31T10:44:55+02:00Wed, 31st Jul '19, 10:44|

This series by Godfrey Leone Ganado continues from the earlier series 'Joseph Muscat's oath' and looks into what Owen Bonnici testified in the proceedings brought by Leader of Opposition Adrian Delia against the Attorney General for not giving him a copy of the full report of the Egrant inquiry. As he had done with the [...]

It would look lovely on the Champs-Élysées

2019-07-31T10:18:12+02:00Wed, 31st Jul '19, 10:18|

Or the Via Condotti, the Kurfürstendamm, the Nevsky Prospekt or the Newbury Street. The Labour Party’s tenancy in Triq ir-Repubblika, il-Belt Valletta, has upgraded from “Stew Rabbit, Horse Meat, Chicken Brest, Fillet, Ribeye, Vel with Any Sause” (sic, sic, sic, sic, and so on), to what probably passes for sophisticated and elegant at the Valletta [...]

Here’s how we lost correspondent banks

2019-07-31T09:53:48+02:00Wed, 31st Jul '19, 09:53|

The trial of Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad in New York over alleged bank fraud and busting sanctions against Iran is due to start next October. In the present pre-trial stage the parties are discussing whether the judge appointed to hear the case, Andrew L Carter Jr should recuse himself from hearing the case because his [...]

Silvio Valletta removed from FIAU, 8 months after activists’ demands.

2019-07-31T09:18:43+02:00Wed, 31st Jul '19, 09:16|

Deputy Police Commissioner Silvio Valletta has been removed from the Board of Governors of the FIAU by notice in Monday’s government gazette. The move comes 8 months after Occupy Justice activists and this website demanded Silvio Valletta’s removal in a letter to the Police Commissioner and the government. Silvio Valletta’s dismissal was demanded by rule [...]

GUEST POST: When the end justifies the lying means

2019-07-31T08:30:56+02:00Wed, 31st Jul '19, 08:30|

Yesterday's Appeals Court decision in the libel suit brought by Jason Azzopardi against Owen Bonnici is a shocker. A lawyer with specialist expertise in libel law writes why. So the Court of Appeal yesterday rejected a libel suit filed by Jason Azzopardi and upheld Owen Bonnici’s defence. To many, this may seem like another run-of-the-mill [...]

A year ago today

2019-07-30T10:16:29+02:00Tue, 30th Jul '19, 10:16|

If you've watched The Great Hack on Netflix, it might be interesting for you to re-read this piece I wrote a year ago today. It was around the time the UK House of Commons committee prominently featuring in their documentary issued their interim report and said they had reasons to believe Cambridge Analytica's mother company [...]

‘Buy my silence’ – Saviour Balzan once said

2019-07-30T10:03:17+02:00Tue, 30th Jul '19, 10:03|

I sincerely sympathise with Matthew Vella and Kurt Sansone who co-signed an editorial in the wake of the storm caused by Lovin Malta’s report that a sister company of Malta Today, both owned by the Managing Editor of that newspaper, is doing PR and advertising work for the government on the burn-down-the-trees project on the [...]

Walking the talk

2019-07-29T13:32:59+02:00Mon, 29th Jul '19, 12:04|

This morning Adrian Delia woke up to a new dawn as a PN leader with what he might call a fresh mandate. As with everything he’s said and done since he stepped into our public life, his oeuvre today shows he doesn’t have the first idea what that means. Consider this brief quote from his [...]

Do the right thing

2019-07-27T09:35:27+02:00Sat, 27th Jul '19, 09:35|

Surprises are by definition things you do not expect. So let us not indulge in fantasies of alternative universes where the Partit Nazzjonalista presents to the electorate a better alternative prime minister than Adrian Delia. Councillors vote today. Many of them will secretly cast their vote against Adrian Delia’s confirmation, too many for any illusion [...]

Even God doesn’t like my blog, apparently

2019-07-26T20:45:07+02:00Fri, 26th Jul '19, 15:32|

The meme above is my attempt at humour but here below is the inspiration. Sample some of the posts on my Facebook wall. There are other Facebook walls that are featuring yours truly today but I should like to think it does not get much worse than this. It's a nice job if you can [...]

Strategic timing

2019-07-26T02:12:23+02:00Fri, 26th Jul '19, 02:12|

The PN statement defending the Great Leader from my “attakk viljakk u personali fuq Adrian Delia” makes a lot of fuss about the fact that today’s stories appeared before Adrian Delia faces a confidence motion at the PN General Council this Saturday. In fact, the full heading of the statement, reproduced below, is “Cowardly and [...]

Mediation efforts in Adrian Delia separation fail. Court case opens “in coming days”.

2019-07-25T18:03:34+02:00Thu, 25th Jul '19, 18:02|

The judicial protest filed today by a lawyer appearing for Nickie Vella de Fremeaux, Adrian Delia’s wife, reveals that mediation efforts to settle the terms of their separation has failed. The judicial protest states that Nickie Vella de Fremeaux has sought and obtained the court’s permission to open a lawsuit against her estranged husband which [...]

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