THE SUNDAY TIMES: The end for some

2019-07-21T18:21:15+02:00Sun, 21st Jul '19, 18:21|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "A year ago Labour campaigned on the moronic mantra that we were living ‘the best of times’. The opiates of easy money and easy charm were still conditioning the reaction of people and a positively Panglossian slogan that should not have worked, did. Last week Muscat said [...]

GUEST SERIES: Joseph Muscat’s oath (2)

2019-07-20T08:56:04+02:00Sun, 21st Jul '19, 08:45|

Continues from yesterday's first post in this series where Godfrey Leone Ganado is analysing extracts from the official transcript of the testimonies of Joseph Muscat and Owen Bonnici in the case filed by Adrian Delia requesting a copy of the Egrant report. The extracts are reproduced in the original Maltese and typing errors have not been corrected. [...]

How’s Keith Schembri this morning?

2019-07-20T09:24:07+02:00Sat, 20th Jul '19, 09:24|

It doesn't happen very often that we realise Keith Schembri has not had his way. It was clear from the start that Moviment Graffitti's victory in the courts over the db project permit in Pembroke was not only won on the environmental front. Perhaps, on that side of things, at best they won a reprieve. [...]

GUEST SERIES: Joseph Muscat’s oath (1)

2019-07-20T08:48:00+02:00Sat, 20th Jul '19, 08:47|

Godfrey Leone Ganado has prepared a series analysing the transcripts of Joseph Muscat's and Owen Bonnici's testimonies in court in the case filed by Adrian Delia asking he's given a copy of the Egrant inquiry report. The following is the first part. This series will carry extracts from the transcripts of the testimony given by [...]

Feeling the heat, Ed?

2019-07-20T08:32:40+02:00Sat, 20th Jul '19, 08:32|

Edward Scicluna sued Simon Busuttil for defamation saying tweets Simon Busuttil published lie about him. Or something. Here are Simon Busuttil’s tweets. A MAJOR VICTORY in the fight against corruption! THREE ministers under criminal investigation for the obscene transfer of THREE public hospitals behind our backs. And @JosephMuscat_JM is too compromised to remove them, not [...]

Funny boy

2019-07-20T08:33:20+02:00Sat, 20th Jul '19, 08:01|

The sack of Malta continues apace. The approval of the highway through Attard has brought tears to many eyes, at least the eyes of people who were not already sore from all the dust. We are stuck in a nightmare, a lucid dream. But we'll wake up from this coma after this zombie apocalypse has [...]


2019-07-20T07:36:39+02:00Sat, 20th Jul '19, 07:36|

This is my piece in the July 2019 edition of Money Magazine. A digital copy of the magazine can be found here. ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ is a much maligned idiom. It does not democratise aesthetics. It does not give everyone the right to decide that what they like is beautiful. [...]

GUEST POST: Not the PN way

2019-07-20T07:12:22+02:00Sat, 20th Jul '19, 07:12|

'Lake' here follows up from his piece from yesterday: In its current state, the Nationalist party, under Adrian Delia’s leadership, draws parallels with the Labour Party led by Alfred Sant. Alfred Sant’s stubbornness, only matched by that of the Labour councillors who repeatedly reconfirmed him as their leader, ensured that under his leadership the Labour [...]

GUEST POST: Lowering standards

2019-07-19T16:06:07+02:00Fri, 19th Jul '19, 16:06|

Handed in by 'Lake'. In medieval days, kings were supposedly bestowed onto their people by God himself. A “divine” mechanism which instilled immediate, forced and unconditional loyalty towards the newly crowned King.    Unlike medieval kings, I always thought that modern day political leaders gained the loyalty of their supporters, over time, through actions and [...]

Screenshots show spies dispatched from PN HQ to follow PN MPs

2019-07-19T14:34:41+02:00Fri, 19th Jul '19, 14:34|

Screenshots of Whatsapp conversations managed by Adrian Delia henchman Julian Micallef have emerged that appear to show he instructed volunteers to follow PN MPs and to take photographs of private meetings they held.  The screenshots that have been verified as authentic by multiple witnesses refer to “JA” (Jason Azzopardi) and “BFA” (Beppe Fenech Adami). Julian [...]

Is Joe Brincat filing a case on this?

2019-07-19T17:40:54+02:00Fri, 19th Jul '19, 12:02|

You may recall that Old Labour grandee (old being an adjective referring to the party, not to the grandee of course) Joe Brincat intervened in a constitutional case I filed against Owen Bonnici and some of his underlings for censoring on a daily basis the truth and justice protest at the feet of the Great [...]

So what’s the atmosphere like?

2019-07-19T11:48:15+02:00Fri, 19th Jul '19, 11:48|

I have learnt with time that good journalists mostly ask questions they already know the answer to. Another international TV news crew was in Malta this week and they wanted to speak to me on an aspect covered in this blog. As with practically all international news teams visiting Malta they have been unsuccessful in [...]

Step by step

2019-07-19T11:27:30+02:00Fri, 19th Jul '19, 11:27|

The Nationalist Party found someone to take on the most poisoned of chalices available at the open bar in Pieta: party treasurer. It can't have been an easy search. Antoine Zammit, who by all accounts is a genuine, honest, sweet, kindhearted, loyal lad, has stepped forward to be the first up the ladder and into [...]

Elow, Stamperija!

2019-07-19T11:02:49+02:00Fri, 19th Jul '19, 10:52|

People who criticise me for criticising the Nationalist Party say I do so because I’m nostalgic for times when I was influential there. Nothing could be further from the truth. For starters even if I worked for government for many years when the PN ran the show, I never amounted to anything in the party. [...]

When a political hand covers a journalist’s camera lens, we have to speak up. Or worse will follow.

2019-07-18T19:38:30+02:00Thu, 18th Jul '19, 19:13|

While the Executive Committee of the PN was meeting last Tuesday, a number of security guards manning the main door of the party headquarters had an altercation with reporters waiting outside. The incident happened in a public area open and accessible to all pedestrians. The incident did not happen when any officer of the PN [...]

Magistrate orders criminal inquiry on Edward Scicluna, Konrad Mizzi and Chris Cardona

2019-07-18T18:36:04+02:00Thu, 18th Jul '19, 18:36|

Magistrate Claire Zammit Stafrace has accepted Repubblika’s request for the opening of a criminal inquiry into the conduct of Ministers Edward Scicluna, Konrad Mizzi and Chris Cardona in the privatisation of three public hospitals. The Magistrate refused the Ministers’ defence that Repubblika’s complaint was based on journalistic investigations and as such had no merit. The [...]

#occupyjustice: About Blooming Time!

2019-07-17T11:31:59+02:00Wed, 17th Jul '19, 11:31|

Press Release by Occupy Justice issued last night: #OccupyJustice activists this evening commemorated 21 months since the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, by forming the Maltese flag out of paper flowers, at the base of the Great Siege Monument.  Before the commencement of the monthly vigil, the activists ‘planted’ the floral design, made up of [...]

Is Johann Buttigieg paying the compensation the court ordered because of his decision?

2019-07-17T11:30:10+02:00Wed, 17th Jul '19, 11:30|

Yesterday's Constitutional Court decision found that the Planning Authority breached the fundamental human rights of the Caruana Galizia family when it removed, twice, a banner they put up on their own property demanding to know the facts about Daphne Caruana Galizia's killing. The records of the case show that the order to remove the banner [...]

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