As is customary on this blog, replies are carried without comment. This was sent in last night by Vince Galea in response to a story I published here a few days ago.

The Leader of the Nationalist Party and the Nationalist Party have been and are still against the cultivation of Cannabis in our country.

I refer to the blog which you uploaded on the 29th of July, 2018 with the title “Mrs Adrian Delia’s uncle is first to get license to grow cannabis” on your website and inform you that the contents of the said blog are malicious, have not been verified and attribute facts which are untrue in regard to the Nationalist Party and to the Leader of the Opposition Dr Adrian Delia and his wife.

Truth be told, what you stated in your blog is factually incorrect and intended solely to cause serious harm to the Nationalist Party and impute ulterior motives in regard to the Leader of the Nationalist Party and Leader of the Opposition Dr Adrian Delia and, or his wife.

Neither the Leader of the Opposition nor his wife have any commercial relationship with Cherubino Limited and neither do they have any direct or indirect interest in it. What Cherubino Limited did or could have done in its course of business is alien to the Leader of the Opposition and his wife and is also alien to the Nationalist Party.

I would refer you to the electronic website of the Maltese Parliament from were it results amply clear that the Opposition on the 16th of April, 2018 voted against the Bill to provide for the production of cannabis for medicinal and research purpose. Despite the fact that the Opposition voted against the introduction into law of this Bill, it still went through due to the parliamentary majority which the Government enjoys.

The Leader of the Nationalist Party Dr Adrian Delia was clear and unequivocal in his speech in Parliament on this Bill when he stated that “jekk hija liġi għall-produzzjoni tal-mediċinali f’pajjiżna hemm bżonn li jsir tibdil kbir fiha għax kif inhi mhix aċċettabbli”.

In the Parliamentary debate held on the 16th April, 2018 the Honourable Claudio Grech on behalf of the Opposition stated that “L-Oppożizzjoni ser tivvota kontra dan l-abbozz għar-raġuni li l-punt ewlieni li kienet resqet l-Oppożizzjoni li kien li din il-liġi ma kellhiex tippermetti kultivazzjoni fuq skala industrijali tal-pjanta tal-kannabis f’Malta sfortunatament dik ma ġietx aċċettata. Barra minn hekk, irriżulta ukoll illi nħarġu letters of intent min naħa tal-Gvern lil operaturi prospettivi liema letters of intent setgħu biss jinħarġu ġaladarba tgħaddi din il-liġi minn din il-Kamra u allura l-Oppożizzjoni ser tivvota kontra”.

From these declarations, easily found on the Parliamentary website, it results amply clear that a discussion was held in the Parliamentary Group of the Nationalist Party so much so that they agreed that the Nationalist Opposition would be voting against the Bill put forward by the Government for the same reasons mentioned by the Honourable Claudio Grech during the Parliamentary debate.

Therefore, your blog which you uploaded on the 29th of July, 2018 with the title “Mrs Adrian Delia’s uncle is first to get license to grow cannabis” on your website together with all the comments made are malicious in nature, attribute facts which are not true and consequently are defamatory.

For your better guidance.

Vincent Galea M.A. (Fin. Serv.), LL.D.