The representative on media freedom for the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe told the government they must conduct “transparent consultations with the Committee of Media Experts, civil society, media and other national and international key actors … prior to the discussion and adoption of this important legislation by the Parliament.”
Tereso Ribeiro was commenting on the publication by the OSCE of its analysis of draft media reform laws prepared by the government and sent to a committee of experts the government appointed to review the proposed changes.
The OSCE made recommendations on improving the laws advising the government to scrap its proposals on SLAPP and replacing them with a proper set of new rules that meet standards recommended by international press freedom organisations.
The organisation also recommended the Maltese Constitution is amended to provide for the right to seek information in addition to the right to receive it and the right to free expression.
The OSCE is also recommending improvements to the draft legislation against hate speech to meet standards set in international law.