About Manuel Delia

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So far Manuel Delia has created 7980 blog entries.

German newspaper on “lax regulatory controls” by Malta gaming regulator

2018-08-20T14:42:08+02:00Mon, 20th Aug '18, 14:40|

Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported this week on gaming companies exploiting chronic regulatory weaknesses in law enforcement in Malta for illegal gaming activities. The story focuses on Loewen Play that runs more than 400 gambling halls in Germany in a state-approved activity. The newspaper, however, reports that Loewen Play uses Malta to dodge German regulators and illegally [...]

Compliant officers

2018-08-20T12:47:28+02:00Mon, 20th Aug '18, 11:22|

Accountants are often private people. They do their work diligently and quietly and often avoid drawing attention to themselves.  Vincent Camilleri, the accountant at Portmann Capital Management Ltd, will probably be surprised to find even his existence discussed in a political blog. Not to mention seeing his CV assessed by someone who, like me, does [...]

How Mossack Fonseca wiped computer and phone records to hide its clients from enforcement agencies

2018-08-20T11:03:57+02:00Mon, 20th Aug '18, 11:03|

A lot has been made about lack of evidence of communication between Nexia BT and Mossack Fonseca in Panama about the ownership of Egrant. A report on investigations into Mossack Fonseca in Nevada, the United States, shows that the firm issued instructions to its Panama central computing system and the office of its Nevada subsidiary [...]

We have a problem here

2018-08-20T09:33:20+02:00Mon, 20th Aug '18, 09:33|

It is one thing for the Finance Minister to adopt the role of a promoter of Malta’s interests and seek to paint a pretty picture of things. It is altogether another to behave like a second-hand car salesman and strong arm the customer into disbelieving their very eyes. Edward Scicluna’s letter to the Financial Times [...]

Ranier Fsadni: We are not the isolated ones

2018-08-19T11:44:08+02:00Sun, 19th Aug '18, 11:44|

This is the speech delivered by Ranier Fsadni at Thursday's Valletta vigil. Jien aċċettajt li niġi nkellimkom illum għaliex xbajt nisma’ lil min qatt ma rifes hawn jispjega għala jien u intom niġu ninġabru hawnhekk. Xbajt nisma’ li jien iżolat. Xbajt nisma’ li jien indannat, li ma niflaħx nara lil pajjiżi jgawdi l-aqwa żmien, li [...]


2018-08-19T09:32:24+02:00Sun, 19th Aug '18, 09:32|

My article in today's The Sunday Times is an adaptation of my speech at Thursday's vigil in Valletta. Here's the original speech in Maltese if you prefer. Nixtieq nirringrazzja lil Daphne Caruana Galizia. Qatt daqs illum ma kien hemm tant bżonn li t-tislima tagħna għall-memorja ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia ssir f’forma ta’ protesta.  Meta tlett [...]

Matthew Caruana Galizia: Karl Cini forged Egrant documents

2018-08-18T16:04:38+02:00Sat, 18th Aug '18, 16:04|

Matthew Caruana Galizia is yet another witness in the Egrant inquiry who says he has been warned by Magistrate Aaron Bugeja of consequences if evidence in his possession was handed over to the inquiry. “When I testified before Magistrate Aaron Bugeja more than a year ago, he warned me he could not protect me if [...]

The directorships of Jacqueline Alexander

2018-08-18T15:36:42+02:00Sat, 18th Aug '18, 15:36|

You're not expected to memorise this. There's no test at the end of the week. But you should know that Jacqueline Alexander, the witness who testified she never signed the declarations of trust of Egrant identifying Michelle Muscat as its owner served as director for the list of companies appearing here. For each of these [...]

Ali Sadr’s sister shuts down San Francisco shop

2018-08-18T10:30:12+02:00Sat, 18th Aug '18, 10:30|

Ali Sadr Hasheminejad’s sister, Negarin Sadr, closed down her clothes shop in San Francisco four weeks ago. A trusted source of this website yesterday visited the address formerly occupied by Negarin London after its Google page marked it as permanently closed. Witnesses from the neighbourhood on Fillmore Street, San Francisco, told this website Negarin London [...]

Winston Psaila: Above all she had guts

2018-08-17T13:11:50+02:00Fri, 17th Aug '18, 13:11|

This is Winston Psaila's speech at yesterday's vigil: I would like to say something about hope and illusions. For as long as I can remember, it was drummed into us that hope springs eternal. It’s the last thing to die because it’s the only butterfly we managed to trap in Pandora’s box. I have never [...]

Jessica Debattista: Daphne was an artist

2018-08-17T16:10:19+02:00Fri, 17th Aug '18, 10:06|

This speech, in Maltese, was delivered at yesterday's vigil by Jessica Debattista: Daphne…… kienet artista!  Forsi tarawha stramba din l-affermazzjoni f’dawn il-mumenti fejn kulħadd qiegħed jiffoka  fuq il-korruzzjoni li ħakmet ‘il pajjiżna. Daphne kienet artista, għall-fatt li kellha sens ta’ osservazzjoni akut, tant li kienet tqaxxru l-karattru Malti fil-kitbiet tagħha. Ma kien jaħirbilha xejn, tant [...]

Lizzie Eldridge: Serenity, what a joke.

2018-08-18T10:37:08+02:00Fri, 17th Aug '18, 09:38|

This is Lizzie Eldridge's speech at yesterday's vigil. It is 10 months since the brutal assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. It is 10 months since she was brutally murdered. And if we had to detail every single thing that’s happened since she was killed, it would fill a million books. And these books would be [...]

Matthew, Andrew and Paul Caruana Galizia: message to August vigil for truth and justice

2018-08-17T09:18:12+02:00Fri, 17th Aug '18, 09:18|

The following message was read out at yesterday's Valletta vigil for truth and justice, marking 10 months since the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. It was read out on their behalf by their aunt Corinne Vella. Few people enjoy confrontation. But many of you here know that it’s sometimes necessary. The past few weeks have [...]

Feedback time

2018-08-16T09:51:27+02:00Thu, 16th Aug '18, 09:51|

I am thinking of making some changes here on manueldelia.com. The website layout was designed at a time when I was posting 4 times a week. Now I often post more than that in a day. It's time to look at ways of improving your experience as a user, guest writer, commenter and supporter of [...]

#occupyjustice: We shall defend our island and we shall never surrender

2018-08-16T07:11:20+02:00Thu, 16th Aug '18, 06:57|

#occupyjustice press release today: Glowing candles formed the word ‘Justice’ which illuminated the beach of Font Għadir in Sliema just before the break of dawn, to mark ten months since the assassination of the journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. The action was carried out by #occupyjustice, a group of activists led by women. “We are here, [...]

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