
2021-05-11T10:53:21+02:00Tue, 11th May '21, 10:51|

Christian Grima complained on Facebook that campaigners for Truth and Justice did not rush to him in solidarity after Joseph Muscat sued him for telling Michelle Muscat “(Lil Daphne) splodiha żewġek.” (Your husband blew Daphne up). I have seen this post by Lovin Malta’s Chris Peregin that wonders what could have possessed Joseph Muscat to [...]

That Gafà file at the police needs re-opening

2021-05-11T10:23:20+02:00Tue, 11th May '21, 10:23|

Two witnesses from Libya finally managed to testify over video in the case for the defence of the former editor of The Malta Independent on Sunday who is facing a libel suit by Neville Gafà for reporting that Gafà extorted money from victims of the Libyan civil war seeking medical care here. The two witnesses [...]

GUEST POST: Domine Dirige Nos ?

2021-05-10T11:48:01+02:00Mon, 10th May '21, 11:48|

My brave, conscientious officers of the law, if you want people to trust you, don’t use the phrase “police are your friends”, for it only makes you sound authoritarian, egoistical and condescending – instead remind them “police are humans too” – acknowledge your mistakes and work towards correcting them so that you can truly become [...]

Also from today’s article

2021-05-09T07:36:32+02:00Sun, 9th May '21, 07:36|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: On June 6, 2021, Midsea Books is publishing The Third Siege of Malta, a book I wrote to recall the highlights of this battle we have been fighting. But the book has no ending. The siege is still on.

THE SUNDAY TIMES: The Third Siege of Malta

2021-05-09T07:32:39+02:00Sun, 9th May '21, 07:32|

From my article in The Sunday Times today: "The germ of independent thinking has taken root in this country and it will not weed itself out of existence. No doubt there’s a desire to win. But there’s a greater desire to remain honest with oneself. Politics may be the art of the possible. But for [...]

EPOCH: The Assassination of a Journalist in Serenity

2021-05-09T04:33:10+02:00Sun, 9th May '21, 04:33|

This long piece was completed in December 2020 and first published in Epoch No. 2 'Aftermath', Spring 2021 (Epoch Press). Published again here with permission. A journalist is blown to pieces in her car on a road not far from you. Everything is close to everything else on an island full of dust and noise and [...]

GUEST POST: Bernard Grech is not what he seems

2021-05-07T16:45:41+02:00Fri, 7th May '21, 16:45|

Sent in by someone known to me. It only took six months for Bernard Grech’s mask to slip.  He is not better than Adrian Delia, maybe not worse, but certainly not better, for yesterday’s dealings with Jason Azzopardi and Adrian Delia was not an exercise in safeguarding the Nationalist Party and democracy in the long [...]

WATCH: Humingration – on the other side of the sea

2021-05-07T11:30:07+02:00Fri, 7th May '21, 11:30|

Find the time to watch this new documentary called "Humanigration - On the other shore of the sea", a film by TotalEU Production on migration and the impact of Covid-19 on new illegal routes. The film is a journalistic journey between the main dimensions that are currently shaping migrants' experiences in their travels to Europe [...]

Adrian Delia won today

2021-05-06T21:23:54+02:00Thu, 6th May '21, 20:45|

A false equivalence was created over the last few days that, as ever when that happens in a battle between right and wrong, handed the victory to the wrong. The Nationalist Party issued a statement today that reads like the Munich ‘compromise’ of 1938. The PN is proclaiming peace in our time. Yeah right. In [...]

GUEST POST: Bernard Grech needs to brush up on recent history

2021-05-06T13:07:21+02:00Thu, 6th May '21, 13:07|

Filed by someone known to me. It is in the Labour Party’s eminent interest to keep pushing out the narrative that criticising the government is being negative, thus attempting to pull the rug from under the Opposition’s feet, an Opposition whose DUTY it is to criticise the government when it behaves badly. When it does [...]

Sweet talker

2021-05-05T10:40:09+02:00Wed, 5th May '21, 10:40|

One TV had a field day with my reaction to Bernard Grech’s announcement that he had no problem with Adrian Delia. They’re going to have a field day with this. During Adrian Delia’s campaign for survival as party leader, his sub-literate henchman Vincent Borg, known as Ċensu l-Iswed, posted a long article on Facebook in [...]

PEN remembers Daphne during Press Freedom Week

2021-05-05T09:15:58+02:00Wed, 5th May '21, 09:15|

Photo: Pippa Zammit Cutajar PEN International today renewed its call to Maltese authorities to ensure full justice for all those involved in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia and the corruption she exposed. The worldwide organisation also called on the prime minister to act on the findings of the Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry [...]

But it’s good for the country, ħi

2021-05-04T07:39:51+02:00Tue, 4th May '21, 07:39|

Just to put things in perspective. Robert Abela recognised that the procurement of a €275 million project at St Vincent de Paul did not tick procedural boxes. He grossly understated the egregious flouting of procurement law but even the minimal things he acknowledged he justified by saying we now have a larger SVDP residence and [...]

A €275 million corruption scandal, an auditor’s declaration it’s all illegal, a half-hearted apology and silence

2021-05-03T19:11:00+02:00Mon, 3rd May '21, 19:11|

Look, I appreciate that this scandal-a-day decade must have desensitised even the most fragile flowers. It’s become very hard to be shocked anymore. And we worry that frantic indignation makes us look uncouth. The thing to do is not to flinch and to give an aloof air of dispassionate normality. What’s another illegal contract, another [...]

GUEST POST: Robert’s yokes

2021-05-03T08:59:35+02:00Mon, 3rd May '21, 08:59|

“One cannot free oneself by bowing to the yoke, but by breaking it.” Carl Jung Before he was elected Labour leader, Robert Abela spoke of a “diabolical plan”. It was probably an inside message. The rest of us out here did not understand what he meant. Now, 15 months later, it seems clearer. To ensure [...]

The war inside their head

2021-05-03T08:39:56+02:00Mon, 3rd May '21, 08:39|

Philip Sciberras, former judge, former Labour MP, a former unsuccessful mediator between the feuding Alfred Sant and Dom Mintoff, former Alfred Sant crony, holder of multiple pensions, long-term informal monopoly-holder of sensitive inquiries commissioned by the government, and vomiter of sundry hate against anything which does not conform with the diktat of his Labour Party, [...]

The vain hope for presidential reprieve

2021-05-03T08:20:30+02:00Mon, 3rd May '21, 08:18|

Malta’s presidents are expected to behave like the Queen of England. Whatever their opinions on decisions taken by their government, they are supposed to smile politely and assent without comment. But the Queen of England was bred for the sort of steely ambivalence that she needs to weather any and all assaults on her dignity. [...]

Hidden inside

2021-05-03T07:53:22+02:00Mon, 3rd May '21, 07:53|

A convicted double-murderer has sent his lawyer to court to complain of inhuman conditions in prison. Why should we take the word of a convicted double-murderer as gospel truth? We shouldn’t. We shouldn’t take anyone’s word as gospel truth. We should listen to testimony, even if it is given by a convicted double-murderer but we [...]

Citizenship is priceless

2021-04-30T11:07:01+02:00Fri, 30th Apr '21, 11:07|

Repubblika has this morning published a detailed policy paper that gives reasons for the organisation’s belief that Malta should not be selling its citizenship. Some of the arguments are what you would expect given all we know about Malta’s passport-selling scheme. But this is also an exercise that looks again at what citizenship really means [...]

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