Raping truth

2021-04-05T09:24:11+02:00Mon, 5th Apr '21, 09:24|

Here’s another one who shows up to save us from ourselves. Watch this speech by Miriam Dalli a few days before the 2017 election projecting onto Simon Busuttil the guilt of her own party and her own party leader like a lab mouse for someone trying to prove Freud’s defence mechanisms. She says Simon Busuttil [...]

When they looked away

2021-04-05T09:06:06+02:00Mon, 5th Apr '21, 09:06|

This series is worth your time. It is important to dig these up because one by one you’ll see Labour Party politicians wear a new skin and looking to convince you this has always been what they stood for. Whenever history is inconsistent with their narrative they will try to bury your memory of it. [...]

Behold, your justice minister

2021-04-02T11:04:11+02:00Fri, 2nd Apr '21, 08:59|

Purely on the basis of having gotten it wrong, this man should go into hiding. Here’s a video of Edward Zammit Lewis from 2019, holding court on his party’s station. It’s Good Friday and you’re meant to be fasting and meditating on sins, so take out these 3 minutes of suffering and count them against [...]

Soldiers inside your home

2021-04-02T08:32:15+02:00Fri, 2nd Apr '21, 08:32|

Charmaine Gauci has apparently instructed police officers to butt into people’s homes to count how many are inside sharing a dinner and where they will be going to sleep. The move is “necessary” to enforce the cap on people from different households meeting privately and spreading the coronavirus. Yesterday she said she’s also mobilised traffic [...]

GUEST POST: Just a quick ‘no, but, yes, but’

2021-04-02T07:56:45+02:00Fri, 2nd Apr '21, 07:56|

PM Abela said that justice will not be served if all Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murderers walk free. “We can’t go in the direction where no one is found guilty in the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder […] If we want justice, but it means everyone walks free, then that isn’t justice,” is the exact quote reported [...]

GUEST POST: Truth was on our side

2021-03-31T17:58:39+02:00Wed, 31st Mar '21, 17:58|

Manuel asked me for my personal account of how I witnessed the tumultous events leading to the arraignment of Joseph Muscat's right-hand man and a group of his associates-in-crime on March 20. I did tell him that I could never write it as well as he could. But he insisted and I could not decline, [...]

A police state. Not the good kind.

2021-03-31T10:41:50+02:00Wed, 31st Mar '21, 10:41|

Life as a community is not just about home and work. It’s not just about money, even the money we spend paying those who charge us for our entertainment. Life in a community is about doing together things for their own sake. Think about people who volunteer some of their time to help the needy [...]

Knock it off the front page

2021-03-31T09:55:39+02:00Wed, 31st Mar '21, 09:55|

It’s a quick hop, skip and a jump to the next general elections. Labour will win if it keeps people distracted long enough. For those with misgivings about all the crime and corruption, the message is that Labour has turned the page. It won’t convince everyone. But it doesn’t have to. It only needs to [...]

Another gun to our head

2021-03-31T09:31:33+02:00Wed, 31st Mar '21, 09:31|

William Cuschieri, the lawyer for iċ-Ċiniż and il-Fulu, charged with killing Daphne Caruana Galizia, circulated a statement by his clients this morning announcing that “they are prepared to say the whole truth”. They repeated the contents of their letter to the president demanding immunity so they testify against sitting and former government ministers they say [...]

NGOs up in arms over draconian fund-raising law

2021-03-30T17:50:17+02:00Tue, 30th Mar '21, 17:47|

Several voluntary organisations have told the Commissioner and the Council for voluntary organisations that new regulations enacted last September to govern fundraising by NGOs are unworkable and probably illegal. No consultations with NGOs were conducted before the regulations were published by the education ministry, then led by Owen Bonnici. As NGOs became aware of the [...]

Look behind you!

2021-03-30T16:04:24+02:00Tue, 30th Mar '21, 16:04|

Officially the police cannot say what it intends to do with Adrian Hillman because the law does not allow them to comment about people they haven't yet charged. We've heard Adrian Hillman is probably, possibly, in the UK. He's reading a doctorate at a London university though since it's a research PhD and since there's [...]

TVM’s favourite lawyer

2021-03-30T14:38:29+02:00Tue, 30th Mar '21, 14:38|

I wrote a piece earlier commenting on TVM’s coverage of the evidence being heard in court against Keith Schembri. I put up a clip of how TVM covered proceedings in court focusing on the questions asked by Keith Schembri’s defence team from the police officers presenting the evidence. There was precious little reporting of the [...]

Bring back that horse. I need to fall off it.

2021-03-30T14:25:20+02:00Tue, 30th Mar '21, 14:25|

Robert Abela discovered yesterday that Macbridge is owned by Chen Cheng. So, wearing a cape that was last summer’s bleached beach towel, his wife’s black stockings over his head, and grasping a wooden spoon, he heroically told the police chief to investigate everything. He even underlined everything which is Robert Abela’s way of going beyond [...]

Hey pretty boy, you cannot do that

2021-03-30T15:05:51+02:00Tue, 30th Mar '21, 14:05|

Silvio Schembri’s ministry has a program for up and coming technologists who are still studying to get job placements with tech companies. Good. Silvio Schembri is an election candidate in the 6th and 7th district and is sending publicity material in the letterboxes of people who live in those districts to encourage them [...]

Edward Scicluna, time to apologise and resign in disgrace

2021-03-30T13:31:20+02:00Tue, 30th Mar '21, 13:31|

On 21 May 2017, Times of Malta’s Ivan Camilleri reported the findings of an FIAU investigations that concluded there had been “reasonable suspicion” that Keith Schembri was involved in money laundering in his business with the Allied Group and the payments made to Adrian Hillman. By then the report was a year old. And it [...]

The newsroom that doesn’t have to worry

2021-03-30T13:05:49+02:00Tue, 30th Mar '21, 11:53|

Here’s a newsroom that doesn’t have to worry about Rachel Montebello’s decree. Watch this report from TVM’s coverage of the hearing of evidence against Keith Schembri. The report could have been written by Keith Schembri himself. It is a collection of questions asked in the cross examination of police without any context about the evidence [...]

PODCAST: Criminalising journalism

2021-03-30T09:52:22+02:00Tue, 30th Mar '21, 09:52|

Manuel Delia · Criminalising Journalism The newsroom at the Times of Malta yesterday must have had one of those fair and foul days. The Macbridge investigation is a coup of high-quality journalism. It demonstrates the effectiveness of collaborative journalism involving reporters on the beat in Valletta, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Nanjing. And it demonstrates the [...]

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